
46 lines
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function Test-GraylogSession {
Tests the current session to the Graylog server.
Tests the current session to the Graylog server to ensure that it is still valid.
.PARAMETER SkipSecretCheck
An optional switch to skip the check for the required secrets.
.PARAMETER SkipSessionCheck
An optional switch to skip the check for the session secret.
True if the session is valid, otherwise false.
Tests the current session to the Graylog server.
This function is used to test the current session to the Graylog server to ensure that it is still valid.
param (
if (-NOT $SkipSecretCheck) {
try { $null = Get-Secret Graylog_BaseURI -Vault Graylog -ErrorAction Stop }
catch { Write-Error "The Graylog BaseURI secret is missing, try running Initialize-GraylogServiceVault?"; return $false }
try { $null = Get-Secret Graylog_Credential -Vault Graylog -ErrorAction Stop }
catch { Write-Error "The Graylog Credential secret is missing, try running Initialize-GraylogServiceVault?"; return $false }
try { $null = Get-Secret Graylog_Session -Vault Graylog -ErrorAction Stop }
catch { Write-Error "The Graylog Session secret is missing, try running Connect-GraylogService?"; return $false }
if ($SkipSessionCheck) { return $true }
if (-NOT $SkipSessionCheck) {
try { return (Invoke-GraylogRequest GET "/system/sessions").is_valid }
catch { return $false }
throw "-SkipSecretCheck and -SkipSessionCheck are mutually exclusive."