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using TwitchLib.Client.Models;
namespace TTSMe;
public abstract class TtsMeCommand {
private const string UsageMessage = "Usage: !ttsme <help|get|set [voice]|randomize|optout>.";
public const bool VERBOSE = Bot.VERBOSE || false;
private static Voices voices => Voices.Instance();
private abstract class Messages {
public static string VoiceSet(string username) => $"ttsme voice for '{username}' is '{Voices.Instance().GetVoice(username) ?? "none"}'";
public static string InvalidVoice(string voice) => $"Invalid voice '{voice}'. Valid voices are: {string.Join(", ", Voices.Instance().ValidVoices)}.";
public static string? ProcessVoiceChange(ChatMessage chatMessage) {
string username = chatMessage.Username;
string[] args = chatMessage.Message.Split(' ');
if (args[0] != "!ttsme") return null;
if (args.Length is 1 or > 3) return UsageMessage;
string action = args[1];
string voice = args[^1];
switch (action) {
case "help": return UsageMessage;
case "get" when args.Length == 2: return Messages.VoiceSet(username);
case "get" when args.Length == 3 && username == chatMessage.Channel: return Messages.VoiceSet(voice);
case "randomise" or "randomize": voices.SetRandomVoice(username); return $"ttsme voice for '{username}' has been {action}d and is now '{voices.GetVoice(username)}'.";
case "set" when args.Length != 3: return Messages.InvalidVoice("NULL");
case "set" when !voices.IsValidVoice(voice): return Messages.InvalidVoice(voice);
case "set" when voices.IsVoice(username, voice): return $"ttsme voice for '{username}' is already set to '{voice}'.";
case "set": voices.SetVoice(username, voice); return $"Changing ttsme for {username} to '{voice}'";
// TODO: Get OptOut working so that it doesn't opt you back in when next chatting
case "optout": voices.RemoveVoice(username); return $"Opting {username} out of ttsme, their voice will no longer be heard by the masses (and me!)";
default: return UsageMessage;