2016-12-05 18:51:21 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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2024-01-17 16:18:53 +00:00
<resources xmlns:xliff= "urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" >
2019-10-12 15:27:53 +01:00
<string name= "english_ime_input_options" msgid= "4262655277902459172" > "Invoeropsies"</string>
<string name= "use_contacts_for_spellchecking_option_title" msgid= "5006788115094214047" > "Soek kontakname op"</string>
<string name= "use_contacts_for_spellchecking_option_summary" msgid= "3637428873952490597" > "Speltoetser gebruik inskrywings uit jou kontaklys"</string>
<string name= "vibrate_on_keypress" msgid= "4198642474308147572" > "Vibreer met sleuteldruk"</string>
<string name= "sound_on_keypress" msgid= "961585885443836044" > "Klank met sleuteldruk"</string>
<string name= "popup_on_keypress" msgid= "8957173605079893697" > "Opspring met sleuteldruk"</string>
<string name= "settings_screen_preferences" msgid= "2651344303433215540" > "Voorkeure"</string>
<string name= "settings_screen_accounts" msgid= "6532292577269658674" > "Rekeninge en privaatheid"</string>
<string name= "settings_screen_appearance" msgid= "5433429477750100471" > "Voorkoms en uitlegte"</string>
<string name= "settings_screen_gesture" msgid= "6549199069124022556" > "Gebaarinvoer"</string>
<string name= "settings_screen_correction" msgid= "5457740749558200546" > "Tekskorrigering"</string>
<string name= "settings_screen_advanced" msgid= "2905347720063899478" > "Gevorderd"</string>
<string name= "settings_screen_theme" msgid= "6744206826660778092" > "Tema"</string>
<string name= "enable_split_keyboard" msgid= "7299522384075400050" > "Aktiveer verdeelde sleutelbord"</string>
<string name= "cloud_sync_title" msgid= "2648120016215337960" > "Google-sleutelbordsinkronisering"</string>
<string name= "cloud_sync_summary" msgid= "457868413134165923" > "Sinkronisering is aangeskakel"</string>
<string name= "cloud_sync_summary_disabled" msgid= "3437796499578155725" > "Sinkroniseer jou persoonlike woordeboek oor toestelle heen"</string>
<string name= "sync_now_title" msgid= "8083126086065968727" > "Sinkroniseer nou"</string>
<string name= "clear_sync_data_title" msgid= "2871211805506563252" > "Vee wolkdata uit"</string>
<string name= "clear_sync_data_summary" msgid= "2737229599235212381" > "Vee jou gesinkroniseerde data van Google af uit"</string>
<string name= "clear_sync_data_confirmation" msgid= "6815059501949766995" > "Jou gesinkroniseerde data sal uit die wolk uitgevee word. Seker?"</string>
<string name= "clear_sync_data_ok" msgid= "1809712111627111859" > "Vee uit"</string>
<string name= "cloud_sync_cancel" msgid= "3437544314029636750" > "Kanselleer"</string>
<string name= "cloud_sync_opt_in_text" msgid= "5443081647469720267" > "Jou persoonlike woordeboek sal gesinkroniseer en in Google-bedieners gerugsteun word. Die statistiese inligting van woordfrekwensie sal dalk ingesamel word om ons produkte te help verbeter. Die insameling en gebruik van al die inligting sal voldoen aan "<a href= "https://www.google.com/policies/privacy" > "Google se privaatheidsbeleid"</a> "."</string>
<string name= "add_account_to_enable_sync" msgid= "1657487000451860348" > "Voeg \'n Google-rekening by die toestel om hierdie kenmerk te aktiveer"</string>
<string name= "cloud_sync_summary_disabled_work_profile" msgid= "4209488085168720952" > "Toestelle met Google Apps vir Besigheid-rekeninge kan nie sinkroniseer nie"</string>
<string name= "include_other_imes_in_language_switch_list" msgid= "2523063290372613355" > "Skakel oor na die ander invoermetodes"</string>
<string name= "include_other_imes_in_language_switch_list_summary" msgid= "478140358131075690" > "Taal-wisselsleutel dek ook ander invoermetodes"</string>
<string name= "show_language_switch_key" msgid= "8756330695904259459" > "Taal-wisselsleutel"</string>
<string name= "show_language_switch_key_summary" msgid= "8384511980090372506" > "Wys wanneer meervoudige invoertale geaktiveer is"</string>
<string name= "key_preview_popup_dismiss_delay" msgid= "8614997927810442853" > "Sleutelopspringer-wagperiode"</string>
<string name= "key_preview_popup_dismiss_no_delay" msgid= "432663218827821108" > "Geen wagperiode nie"</string>
<string name= "key_preview_popup_dismiss_default_delay" msgid= "5550664463804963104" > "Verstek"</string>
<string name= "abbreviation_unit_milliseconds" msgid= "3255301845626146979" > "<xliff:g id= "MILLISECONDS" > %s</xliff:g> ms."</string>
<string name= "settings_system_default" msgid= "677003402757146199" > "Stelsel se verstek"</string>
<string name= "use_contacts_dict" msgid= "1625971825786907643" > "Stel kontakname voor"</string>
<string name= "use_contacts_dict_summary" msgid= "3820744038619192013" > "Gebruik name van kontakte vir voorstelle en korreksies"</string>
<string name= "use_personalized_dicts" msgid= "7400413665774169711" > "Gepersonaliseerde voorstelle"</string>
<string name= "enable_metrics_logging" msgid= "5113593293708535701" > "Verbeter <xliff:g id= "APPLICATION_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> "</string>
<string name= "use_double_space_period" msgid= "7172135098923900609" > "Dubbelspasie-punt"</string>
<string name= "use_double_space_period_summary" msgid= "7812112507596640969" > "Dubbeltik op spasiebalk voeg \'n punt in, gevolg deur \'n spasie"</string>
<string name= "auto_cap" msgid= "525628419128036324" > "Outohoofletters"</string>
<string name= "auto_cap_summary" msgid= "1688974089712873396" > "Die eerste woord van elke sin moet met \'n hoofletter begin"</string>
<string name= "edit_personal_dictionary" msgid= "7587143150525708396" > "Persoonlike woordeboek"</string>
<string name= "configure_dictionaries_title" msgid= "7811017701961083395" > "Voeg woordeboeke by"</string>
<string name= "main_dictionary" msgid= "3935990491324466154" > "Hoofwoordeboek"</string>
<string name= "prefs_show_suggestions" msgid= "1283142612397683159" > "Wys voorstelle vir korrigering"</string>
<string name= "prefs_show_suggestions_summary" msgid= "9066941288258400606" > "Wys voorgestelde woorde terwyl jy tik"</string>
<string name= "prefs_block_potentially_offensive_title" msgid= "4773164613955867072" > "Blokkeer aanstootlike woorde"</string>
<string name= "prefs_block_potentially_offensive_summary" msgid= "4742951880365181110" > "Moenie potensieel aanstootlike woorde voorstel nie"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction" msgid= "4585482324756913868" > "Outokorrigering"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_summary" msgid= "2460455056470633907" > "Spasiebalk en leestekens korrigeer outomaties woorde wat verkeerd gespel is"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_off" msgid= "3439365513347374953" > "Af"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_modest" msgid= "2760377181788020652" > "Matig"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_aggressive" msgid= "1318808016356749967" > "Aggressief"</string>
<string name= "auto_correction_threshold_mode_very_aggressive" msgid= "1002799845510475500" > "Baie aggressief"</string>
<string name= "bigram_prediction" msgid= "3973898748907276589" > "Stel volgende woord voor"</string>
<string name= "bigram_prediction_summary" msgid= "9119170359306430265" > "Gebruik die vorige woord om voorstelle te maak"</string>
<string name= "gesture_input" msgid= "3172130834412003008" > "Aktiveer gebaar-tik"</string>
<string name= "gesture_input_summary" msgid= "2654809358251269108" > "Voer \'n woord in deur te gly deur die letters"</string>
<string name= "gesture_preview_trail" msgid= "1614914802819472106" > "Wys gebaarspoor"</string>
<string name= "gesture_floating_preview_text" msgid= "7266505770073074352" > "Dinamiese sweefvoorskou"</string>
<string name= "gesture_floating_preview_text_summary" msgid= "8088162455458685442" > "Sien die voorgestelde woord tydens gebare"</string>
<string name= "gesture_space_aware" msgid= "7169910298165673388" > "Frasegebaar"</string>
<string name= "gesture_space_aware_summary" msgid= "3761626092188724512" > "Voer spasies tydens gebare in deur na die spasiesleutel te gly"</string>
<string name= "voice_input" msgid= "7725046107052037926" > "Steminvoerinstellings"</string>
<string name= "voice_input_disabled_summary" msgid= "6419192385407621291" > "Geen steminvoermetodes is geaktiveer nie. Gaan Tale- en invoer-instellings na."</string>
<string name= "configure_input_method" msgid= "4444925520298518217" > "Stel invoermetodes op"</string>
<string name= "language_selection_title" msgid= "6121948605923246957" > "Tale"</string>
<string name= "help_and_feedback" msgid= "5021534846181310255" > "Hulp en terugvoering"</string>
<string name= "select_language" msgid= "3379792010205373078" > "Tale"</string>
<string name= "hint_add_to_dictionary" msgid= "7401455990016135640" > "Tik weer om te stoor"</string>
<string name= "hint_add_to_dictionary_without_word" msgid= "899422279733408687" > "Tik hier om te stoor"</string>
<string name= "has_dictionary" msgid= "1325233223608273869" > "Woordeboek beskikbaar"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_layout" msgid= "1709024226955326813" > "Sleutelbordtema"</string>
<string name= "switch_accounts" msgid= "1213242182459397913" > "Wissel rekeninge"</string>
<string name= "no_accounts_selected" msgid= "5770301395973322552" > "Geen rekeninge gekies nie"</string>
<string name= "account_selected" msgid= "2929764293361296224" > "Gebruik tans <xliff:g id= "EMAIL_ADDRESS" > %1$s</xliff:g> "</string>
<string name= "account_select_ok" msgid= "2319402914890345072" > "OK"</string>
<string name= "account_select_cancel" msgid= "8877103220502603643" > "Kanselleer"</string>
<string name= "account_select_sign_out" msgid= "9208156165797411519" > "Meld af"</string>
<string name= "account_select_title" msgid= "5355659391942386459" > "Kies \'n rekening om te gebruik"</string>
<string name= "subtype_en_GB" msgid= "7923165641611861624" > "Engels (VK)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_en_US" msgid= "5477258985573018813" > "Engels (VS)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_es_US" msgid= "3224986579031001684" > "Spaans (VS)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_hi_ZZ" msgid= "5025145456877877595" > "Hinglish"</string>
<string name= "subtype_sr_ZZ" msgid= "440245129648071485" > "Serwies (Latyns)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_with_layout_en_GB" msgid= "4220344684463778660" > "Engels (VK) (<xliff:g id= "KEYBOARD_LAYOUT" > %s</xliff:g> )"</string>
<string name= "subtype_with_layout_en_US" msgid= "4599421650961912769" > "Engels (VS) (<xliff:g id= "KEYBOARD_LAYOUT" > %s</xliff:g> )"</string>
<string name= "subtype_with_layout_es_US" msgid= "6866331205974243592" > "Spaans (VS) (<xliff:g id= "KEYBOARD_LAYOUT" > %s</xliff:g> )"</string>
<string name= "subtype_with_layout_hi_ZZ" msgid= "5439623653083985558" > "Hinglish (<xliff:g id= "KEYBOARD_LAYOUT" > %s</xliff:g> )"</string>
<string name= "subtype_with_layout_sr_ZZ" msgid= "546465971819327060" > "Serwies (<xliff:g id= "KEYBOARD_LAYOUT" > %s</xliff:g> )"</string>
<string name= "subtype_generic_traditional" msgid= "5321023815277210849" > "<xliff:g id= "LANGUAGE_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> (Tradisioneel)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_generic_compact" msgid= "2858514299576793292" > "<xliff:g id= "LANGUAGE_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> (Kompak)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language" msgid= "3126489367892967889" > "Geen taal nie (alfabet)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_qwerty" msgid= "4388578258275303241" > "Alfabet (QWERTY)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_qwertz" msgid= "1483779599796051141" > "Alfabet (QWERTZ)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_azerty" msgid= "5336702044048354922" > "Alfabet (AZERTY)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_dvorak" msgid= "1251504275835405915" > "Alfabet (Dvorak)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_colemak" msgid= "4216315736099391894" > "Alfabet (Colemak)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_no_language_pcqwerty" msgid= "6021681322207866486" > "Alfabet (PC)"</string>
<string name= "subtype_emoji" msgid= "3021958791567267290" > "Emosiekone"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_theme" msgid= "6760202984936877690" > "Sleutelbordtema"</string>
<string name= "custom_input_styles_title" msgid= "4825941816075899639" > "Gepasmaakte invoerstyle"</string>
<string name= "add_style" msgid= "8304208538938230889" > "Voeg styl by"</string>
<string name= "add" msgid= "6822705504410731743" > "Voeg by"</string>
<string name= "remove" msgid= "4473717811376496460" > "Verwyder"</string>
<string name= "save" msgid= "1396012053841537145" > "Stoor"</string>
<string name= "subtype_locale" msgid= "705244739623031884" > "Taal"</string>
<string name= "keyboard_layout_set" msgid= "1637617996906076019" > "Uitleg"</string>
<string name= "custom_input_style_note_message" msgid= "7172574301336711360" > "Jou gepasmaakte invoerstyl moet geaktiveer word voor gebruik. Aktiveer nou?"</string>
<string name= "enable" msgid= "3465950915897490353" > "Aktiveer"</string>
<string name= "not_now" msgid= "6385104011963838405" > "Nie nou nie"</string>
<string name= "custom_input_style_already_exists" msgid= "691995042134481799" > "Dieselfde invoerstyl bestaan reeds: <xliff:g id= "INPUT_STYLE_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> "</string>
<string name= "prefs_keypress_vibration_duration_settings" msgid= "1191846765985854173" > "Sleuteldruk se vibrasie-tydsduur"</string>
<string name= "prefs_keypress_sound_volume_settings" msgid= "871310008809673416" > "Sleuteldruk se klankvolume"</string>
<string name= "prefs_key_longpress_timeout_settings" msgid= "5901254294943018798" > "Vertraging van sleutellangdruk"</string>
<string name= "prefs_enable_emoji_alt_physical_key" msgid= "2935264131313540056" > "Emosiekone vir fisieke sleutelbord"</string>
<string name= "prefs_enable_emoji_alt_physical_key_summary" msgid= "1002326516601127090" > "Fisieke Alt-sleutel wys die emosiekoon-palet"</string>
<string name= "button_default" msgid= "4824983794085575316" > "Verstek"</string>
<string name= "setup_welcome_title" msgid= "6678758294706106216" > "Welkom by <xliff:g id= "APPLICATION_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> "</string>
<string name= "setup_welcome_additional_description" msgid= "5109278388931620095" > "met Gebaar-tik"</string>
<string name= "setup_start_action" msgid= "4261815646635054773" > "Kom aan die gang"</string>
<string name= "setup_next_action" msgid= "7388109452671117767" > "Volgende stap"</string>
<string name= "setup_steps_title" msgid= "750835620571733090" > "Stel <xliff:g id= "APPLICATION_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> op"</string>
<string name= "setup_step1_title" msgid= "7160930459489282227" > "Aktiveer <xliff:g id= "APPLICATION_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> "</string>
<string name= "setup_step1_instruction" msgid= "7576103876848322594" > "Gaan asseblief \"<xliff:g id= "APPLICATION_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> \" in jou Tale- en invoer-instellings na. Dit sal dit magtig om op jou toestel te werk."</string>
<string name= "setup_step1_finished_instruction" msgid= "9170737556500224736" > "<xliff:g id= "APPLICATION_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> is reeds in jou Tale- en invoer-instellings geaktiveer – dus is hierdie stap klaar. Doen die volgende een!"</string>
<string name= "setup_step1_action" msgid= "6741430464134100280" > "Aktiveer in instellings"</string>
<string name= "setup_step2_title" msgid= "6087917340371885886" > "Skakel oor na <xliff:g id= "APPLICATION_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> "</string>
<string name= "setup_step2_instruction" msgid= "1656822854161841686" > "Volgende, kies \"<xliff:g id= "APPLICATION_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> \" as jou aktiewe teks-invoermetode."</string>
<string name= "setup_step2_action" msgid= "7850810726169586795" > "Wissel invoermetodes"</string>
<string name= "setup_step3_title" msgid= "8037349177063816231" > "Veels geluk, jy\'s gereed!"</string>
<string name= "setup_step3_instruction" msgid= "6738330437227290519" > "Nou kan jy in al jou gunstelingprogramme tik met <xliff:g id= "APPLICATION_NAME" > %s</xliff:g> ."</string>
<string name= "setup_step3_action" msgid= "1049832326490515701" > "Stel bykomende tale op"</string>
<string name= "setup_finish_action" msgid= "4208185697271120108" > "Klaar"</string>
<string name= "show_setup_wizard_icon" msgid= "2985876024078390815" > "Wys program-ikoon"</string>
<string name= "show_setup_wizard_icon_summary" msgid= "714961006007836349" > "Wys program-ikoon in die lanseerpoort"</string>
<string name= "app_name" msgid= "1388609705083271907" > "Woordeboekverskaffer"</string>
<string name= "dictionary_provider_name" msgid= "6344594004933902577" > "Woordeboekverskaffer"</string>
<string name= "dictionary_service_name" msgid= "5820737302858072775" > "Woordeboek-diens"</string>
<string name= "download_description" msgid= "7667377256582305064" > "Woordeboek se opdateerinligting"</string>
<string name= "dictionary_settings_title" msgid= "2110439717145834445" > "Voeg woordeboeke by"</string>
<string name= "dictionary_install_over_metered_network_prompt" msgid= "4714309383986503474" > "Woordeboek beskikbaar"</string>
<string name= "dictionary_settings_summary" msgid= "4592894717259325402" > "Instellings vir woordeboeke"</string>
<string name= "user_dictionaries" msgid= "4261154182736972314" > "Gebruikerwoordeboeke"</string>
<string name= "default_user_dict_pref_name" msgid= "6983281585422145165" > "Gebruikerwoordeboek"</string>
<string name= "dictionary_available" msgid= "1808541860747006757" > "Woordeboek beskikbaar"</string>
<string name= "dictionary_downloading" msgid= "196314208594985478" > "Laai tans af"</string>
<string name= "dictionary_installed" msgid= "7840532191933912708" > "Geïnstalleer"</string>
<string name= "dictionary_disabled" msgid= "3991458948275777795" > "Geïnstalleer, gedeaktiveer"</string>
<string name= "cannot_connect_to_dict_service" msgid= "2343267566673179104" > "Kan nie aan woordeboekdiens koppel nie"</string>
<string name= "no_dictionaries_available" msgid= "4187305901152592110" > "Geen woordeboeke beskikbaar nie"</string>
<string name= "check_for_updates_now" msgid= "5375846376242975290" > "Verfris"</string>
<string name= "last_update" msgid= "2377094521844654156" > "Laas opgedateer"</string>
<string name= "message_updating" msgid= "7158989361989504143" > "Kontroleer vir opdaterings"</string>
<string name= "message_loading" msgid= "9151934303930222809" > "Laai tans…"</string>
<string name= "main_dict_description" msgid= "695289288722079926" > "Hoofwoordeboek"</string>
<string name= "cancel" msgid= "5611033781118852820" > "Kanselleer"</string>
<string name= "go_to_settings" msgid= "3019191145506686424" > "Instellings"</string>
<string name= "install_dict" msgid= "8963966683066463555" > "Installeer"</string>
<string name= "cancel_download_dict" msgid= "8877923127773611502" > "Kanselleer"</string>
<string name= "delete_dict" msgid= "293286833341025636" > "Vee uit"</string>
<string name= "should_download_over_metered_prompt" msgid= "2055970799464394373" > "\'n Woordeboek is beskikbaar vir die taal wat op jou mobiele toestel gekies is.< br/> Ons beveel aan dat jy die <xliff:g id= "LANGUAGE_NAME" > %1$s</xliff:g> -woordeboek <b > aflaai</b> om jou tikervaring te verbeter.< br/> < br/> Dit kan \'n minuut of twee neem om dit oor 3G af te laai. Dit kan koste bedra as jy nie \'n < b> onbeperktedata-plan< /b> het nie.< br/> As jy nie seker is watter dataplan jy het nie, beveel ons aan dat jy \'n Wi-Fi-verbinding vind om die aflaai outomaties te begin.< br/> < br/> Wenk: Jy kan woordeboeke aflaai en verwyder deur na < b> Tale en invoer< /b> op jou mobiele toestel se < b> Instellings< /b> -kieslys te gaan."</string>
<string name= "download_over_metered" msgid= "4261625913263960556" > "Laai nou af (<xliff:g id= "SIZE_IN_MEGABYTES" > %1$.1f</xliff:g> MB)"</string>
<string name= "do_not_download_over_metered" msgid= "3581560726170361477" > "Laai oor Wi-Fi af"</string>
<string name= "dict_available_notification_title" msgid= "4601321236641174590" > "\'n Woordeboek is beskikbaar vir <xliff:g id= "LANGUAGE_NAME" > %1$s</xliff:g> "</string>
<string name= "dict_available_notification_description" msgid= "5360056805680595057" > "Druk om te hersien en af te laai"</string>
<string name= "toast_downloading_suggestions" msgid= "8611681981781082223" > "Laai tans af: voorstelle vir <xliff:g id= "LANGUAGE_NAME" > %1$s</xliff:g> sal binnekort gereed wees."</string>
<string name= "version_text" msgid= "3213200439763585436" > "Weergawe <xliff:g id= "VERSION_NUMBER" > %1$s</xliff:g> "</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_menu_title" msgid= "2094235623352820667" > "Voeg by"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_dialog_title" msgid= "2721075588858235712" > "Voeg by woordeboek"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_screen_title" msgid= "3777988967870363317" > "Frase"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_dialog_more_options" msgid= "7886545237005649111" > "Nog opsies"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_dialog_less_options" msgid= "8979202725719736727" > "Minder opsies"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_dialog_confirm" msgid= "3186677423073299487" > "OK"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_word_option_name" msgid= "3496247524233890907" > "Woord:"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_shortcut_option_name" msgid= "7359967823612428231" > "Kortpad:"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_locale_option_name" msgid= "4267453866893832123" > "Taal:"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_word_hint" msgid= "4186108932162183595" > "Tik \'n woord in"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_add_shortcut_hint" msgid= "7429655828828922094" > "Opsionele kortpad"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_edit_dialog_title" msgid= "2496847143207331651" > "Redigeer woord"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_context_menu_edit_title" msgid= "7274461666869894342" > "Redigeer"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_context_menu_delete_title" msgid= "2615595304309771624" > "Vee uit"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_empty_text" msgid= "2730443669360549945" > "Jy het geen woorde in die gebruikerwoordeboek nie. Tik op die Voeg By-knoppie (+) om \'n woord by te voeg."</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_all_languages" msgid= "4423377540643689186" > "Vir alle tale"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_more_languages" msgid= "4436784162689712198" > "Nog tale…"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_settings_delete" msgid= "7688033506773806537" > "Vee uit"</string>
<string name= "user_dict_fast_scroll_alphabet" msgid= "6814045626833403178" > " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"</string>
2016-12-05 18:51:21 +00:00