2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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** Copyright 2012, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00
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2012-08-13 15:53:07 +09:00
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2012-08-10 12:00:40 +09:00