Remove some unnecessary fields and add KDoc comments to some of the layout data structures

This commit is contained in:
Aleksandras Kostarevas 2024-08-24 18:37:09 +03:00
parent 942fe63d96
commit 0ae761faf9
13 changed files with 1498 additions and 1340 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
name: Arabic (AOSP)
description: The default Arabic keyboard from AOSP Keyboard.
languages: ar
script: Arabic
- letters:

View File

@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
name: "العربية/لؤلؤة"
description: Arabic/lulua keyboard from AnySoftKeyboard
languages: ar
script: Arabic
width: Grow

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ rows:
- "d"
- type: base
spec: "e"
moreKeys: "ę,ė"
moreKeys: [", "ė"]
# You can use list syntax anywhere that expects a Key, such as `case`
- letters:
@ -251,145 +251,6 @@ rows:
## Type reference
# API Reference
### Keyboard
#### name: `String`
Describes the name of the keyboard layout. If this is a layout for a specific language, this should be written localized to that language. For example, "Lietuvių QWERTY klaviatūra" instead of "Lithuanian QWERTY Keyboard".
#### rows: `List<Row>`
List of rows to be included in the layout.
#### symbolsLayout: `String` (optional)
Which symbols layout to use. Normally this should be left to the default "symbols" layout.
#### symbolsShiftLayout: `string` (optional)
Which shifted symbols layout to use. Normally this should be left to the default "symbols_shift" layout.
#### numberRowMode: `NumberRowMode` (optional)
This can be set to one of the following:
* `UserConfigurable` - settings number row toggle will toggle this layout's number row
* `AlwaysEnabled` - this layout's number row is always enabled
* `AlwaysDisabled` - this layout's number row is always disabled
#### script: `Script` (optional) = Latin
This can be set to one of the following:
* `Arabic`
* `Armenian`
* `Bengali`
* `Cyrillic`
* `Devanagari`
* `Georgian`
* `Greek`
* `Hebrew`
* `Kannada`
* `Khmer`
* `Lao`
* `Latin`
* `Malayalam`
* `Myanmar`
* `Sinhala`
* `Tamil`
* `Telugu`
* `Thai`
### Row
#### (numbers|letters|bottom): `List<Key>`
When defining a row, at most one of `numbers`, `letters`, or `bottom` can be set. This is mainly done as a yaml shorthand for defining the row type. The row type also has some effects on the keys. Number rows hide key backgrounds by default, and have a shorter height. They are also unsplittable, like action rows.
For most cases, you only need to define `letters` rows. The default numbers and bottom rows are added automatically.
An example of defining a QWERTY layout:
name: "QWERTY"
- letters: q w e r t y u i o p
- letters: a s d f g h j k l
- letters: z x c v b n m
If your layout is more complex, you can override all rows:
name: "DVORAK"
- letters: "$delete $delete ' p y f g c r l"
- letters: "a o e u i d h t n s"
- letters: "$shift q j k x b m w v z"
- bottom: "$symbols , $space . $enter $enter"
#### rowHeight: `Double` (optional) = `1.0`
#### splittable: `Boolean` (optional) = `true`
#### fillerRowForNumberRow: `Boolean` (optional) = `false`
When set, the row will only appear if the number row is active in the primary layout. Mainly used for symbol layouts.
### KeyAttributes
#### width: `KeyWidth` (optional)
Can be set to one of the following:
* `Regular` - default regular key width
* `FunctionalKey` - width used for enter, backspace, etc
* `Grow` - fills all empty space in the row, used for spacebar and number row
* `Custom1` - if used, override width for `Custom1` must be defined in the keyboard
* `Custom2` - if used, override width for `Custom2` must be defined in the keyboard
* `Custom3` - if used, override width for `Custom3` must be defined in the keyboard
#### style: `KeyVisualStyle` (optional)
Defines mainly the background for the key. Valid values:
* `Normal` - default visual style
* `NoBackground` - no background, used for number row
* `Functional` - darker key, used for shift and backspace
* `Action` - rounded bright key, used for enter
* `Spacebar` - used for spacebar
* `StickyOff`
* `StickyOn`
#### showPopup: `Boolean` (optional)
Whether or not to show a popup to indicate the key was tapped
#### moreKeyMode: `MoreKeyMode` (optional)
Declares how more keys should be inserted automatically. Valid values:
* `All` - add all automatic morekeys
* `OnlyFromKeyspec` - add only for matching keyspec shortcut
* ``
### Key (`type: base`)
#### spec: `String`
This is the key spec. Usually it should just be a letter.
Text references are permitted, such as `!text/keyspec_q`
You can set a custom icon and code here as well: `!icon/action_paste|!code/action_paste`
#### code: `Int` (optional)
Override the code for this key
#### icon: `String` (optional)
Custom icon for the key. For example, can be `action_settings`.
#### shiftedCode: `Int`
#### anchored: `Boolean`
#### showPopup: `Boolean`
#### moreKeys: `String`
#### longPressEnabled: `Boolean`
#### repeatableEnabled: `Boolean`
### Key (`type: case`)
#### normal: `Key`
#### shifted: `Key` = normal
#### automaticShifted: `Key` = shifted
#### manualShifted: `Key` = shifted
#### shiftLocked: `Key` = shifted
#### shiftLockShifted: `Key` = shiftLocked
#### symbols: `Key` = normal
#### symbolsShifted: `Key` = normal

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
name: "Symbols"
element: Symbols
shiftable: false

View File

@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
name: "Symbols (Shifted)"
element: SymbolsShifted
numberRowMode: UserConfigurable
shiftable: false

View File

@ -12,14 +12,68 @@ import org.futo.inputmethod.latin.common.StringUtils
typealias KeyJ = org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.Key
* Width tokens for keys. Rather than explicitly specifying a width in percentage as is common in
* other layout systems, we instead use width tokens, which eliminates the need to explicitly
* calculate and specify width percentages for most cases.
enum class KeyWidth {
* Regular key width. Used for normal letters (QWERTY etc)
* ##### Width calculation
* Simply put, the width of this is calculated by dividing the total keyboard width by the
* maximum number of keys in a row. It is consistent across the entire keyboard.
* For example, if a keyboard has 3 rows, with 10, 9, and 7 keys respectively,
* the regular key width will be 100% / 10 = 10% for the entire keyboard.
* The rows with 9 and 7 keys will receive padding by default to keep them centered due
* to the extra space.
* Functional key width. Used for functional keys (Shift, Backspace, Enter, Symbols, etc)
* ##### Width calculation
* The width of this is at least the value specified in [Keyboard.minimumFunctionalKeyWidth]
* or, for the bottom row, [Keyboard.minimumBottomRowFunctionalKeyWidth].
* The width may be larger than the minimum if the available space is there.
* For example on the QWERTY layout, the ZXCV row has only 7 keys at a width of 10%, using up
* only 70% of space. The remaining 30% of space is divided among the shift and backspace,
* meaning the functional width is 15%.
* Grow width. Takes up all remaining space divided evenly among all grow keys in the row.
* Mainly used for spacebar.
* Grow keys are not supported in split layouts, and their presence can complicate width
* calculation for functional keys and others. Avoid use when possible.
* The Custom1 width as defined in [Keyboard.overrideWidths] (values are between 0.0 and 1.0)
* The Custom2 width as defined in [Keyboard.overrideWidths] (values are between 0.0 and 1.0)
* The Custom3 width as defined in [Keyboard.overrideWidths] (values are between 0.0 and 1.0)
* The Custom4 width as defined in [Keyboard.overrideWidths] (values are between 0.0 and 1.0)
@ -91,14 +145,29 @@ internal fun filterMoreKeysFlags(moreKeys: List<String>): List<String> =
* Specifies which morekeys can be automatically added to the key.
enum class MoreKeyMode(
val autoFromKeyspec: Boolean,
val autoNumFromCoord: Boolean,
val autoSymFromCoord: Boolean
) {
* Automatically insert morekeys from keyspec shortcuts, as well as numbers, symbols and actions
* (if not disabled by user). These count towards KeyCoordinate.
All(true, true, true),
* Only automatically insert morekeys from keyspec shortcut.
OnlyFromKeyspec(true, false, false),
* Do not automatically insert any morekeys.
OnlyExplicit(false, false, false)
@ -106,7 +175,9 @@ private fun Int.and(other: Boolean): Int {
return if(other) { this } else { 0 }
* Flags for the key label
data class LabelFlags(
val alignHintLabelToBottom: Boolean = false,
@ -129,17 +200,73 @@ data class LabelFlags(
* Attributes for keys.
* Values are inherited in the following order:
* `Key.attributes > Row.attributes > Keyboard.attributes > DefaultKeyAttributes`
data class KeyAttributes(
* Key width token
val width: KeyWidth? = null,
* Visual style (background) for the key
val style: KeyVisualStyle? = null,
* Whether or not to anchor the key to the edges.
* When a row is not wide enough to fill 100%, padding is added to the edges of the row.
* If there are anchored keys in the row, the padding will be added after the anchored
* keys, keeping the anchored keys at the edge.
val anchored: Boolean? = null,
* Whether or not to show the popup indicator when the key is pressed.
* This is usually desirable for letters on normal layouts (QWERTY letters), but undesirable
* for functional keys (Shift, Backspace), or certain layouts (phone layout)
val showPopup: Boolean? = null,
* Which moreKeys to add automatically
val moreKeyMode: MoreKeyMode? = null,
* Whether or not to use keyspec shortcuts.
* For example, `$` gets automatically converted to `!text/keyspec_currency`.
* The full list of keyspec shortcuts is defined in `KeySpecShortcuts`.
val useKeySpecShortcut: Boolean? = null,
* Whether or not longpress is enabled for the key
val longPressEnabled: Boolean? = null,
* Label flags for how the key's label (and its hint) should be presented
val labelFlags: LabelFlags? = null,
* Whether or not the key is repeatable, intended for backspace
val repeatableEnabled: Boolean? = null,
* Whether or not the key is automatically shiftable. If true, it automatically becomes
* uppercased when the layout is shifted. If this is not desired, this can be set to false.
* Shift behavior can be customized by using a [CaseSelector].
val shiftable: Boolean? = null,
) {
fun getEffectiveAttributes(row: Row, keyboard: Keyboard): KeyAttributes {
@ -190,24 +317,56 @@ object MoreKeysListSerializer: SpacedListSerializer<String>(String.serializer(),
MoreKeySpec.splitKeySpecs(it)?.toList() ?: listOf()
* The base key
data class BaseKey(
// AOSP Keyboard key spec
* AOSP key spec. It can contain a custom label, code, icon, output text.
* Each key specification is one of the following:
* - Label optionally followed by keyOutputText (keyLabel|keyOutputText).
* - Label optionally followed by code point (keyLabel|!code/code_name).
* - Icon followed by keyOutputText (!icon/icon_name|keyOutputText).
* - Icon followed by code point (!icon/icon_name|!code/code_name).
* Label and keyOutputText are one of the following:
* - Literal string.
* - Label reference represented by (!text/label_name), see {@link KeyboardTextsSet}.
* - String resource reference represented by (!text/resource_name), see {@link KeyboardTextsSet}.
* Icon is represented by (!icon/icon_name), see {@link KeyboardIconsSet}.
* Code is one of the following:
* - Code point presented by hexadecimal string prefixed with "0x"
* - Code reference represented by (!code/code_name), see {@link KeyboardCodesSet}.
* Special character, comma ',' backslash '\', and bar '|' can be escaped by '\' character.
* Note that the '\' is also parsed by XML parser and {@link MoreKeySpec#splitKeySpecs(String)}
* as well.
val spec: String,
// Attributes
* Attributes for this key. Values defined here supersede any other values. Values which are
* not defined are inherited from the row, keyboard, or default attributes.
val attributes: KeyAttributes = KeyAttributes(),
* More keys for this key. In YAML, it can be defined as a list or a comma-separated string.
* The values here are key specs.
val moreKeys: @Serializable(with = MoreKeysListSerializer::class) List<String> = listOf(),
// If these values are set, they override spec values
val outputText: String? = null,
val label: String? = null,
val code: Int? = null,
val icon: String? = null,
// If set, will override default hint from moreKeys
* If set, overrides a default hint from the value of moreKeys.
* TODO: Currently does not override
val hint: String? = null,
) : AbstractKey {
override fun computeData(params: KeyboardParams, row: Row, keyboard: Keyboard, coordinate: KeyCoordinate): ComputedKeyData {
@ -232,10 +391,10 @@ data class BaseKey(
?: spec
val label = label ?: expandedSpec?.let { KeySpecParser.getLabel(it) } ?: ""
val icon = icon ?: expandedSpec?.let { KeySpecParser.getIconId(it) } ?: ""
val code = code ?: KeySpecParser.getCode(expandedSpec)
val outputText = outputText ?: KeySpecParser.getOutputText(expandedSpec)
val label = expandedSpec?.let { KeySpecParser.getLabel(it) } ?: ""
val icon = expandedSpec?.let { KeySpecParser.getIconId(it) } ?: ""
val code = KeySpecParser.getCode(expandedSpec)
val outputText = KeySpecParser.getOutputText(expandedSpec)
val moreKeyMode = attributes.moreKeyMode!!
@ -295,16 +454,38 @@ data class BaseKey(
* Case selector key. Allows specifying a different type of key depending on when the layout is
* shifted or not.
data class CaseSelector(
* Key to use normally
val normal: Key,
* Key to use when shifted
val shifted: Key = normal,
val automaticShifted: Key = shifted,
val manualShifted: Key = shifted,
* Key to use when shift locked (caps lock), defaults to [shifted]
val shiftLocked: Key = shifted,
val shiftLockShifted: Key = shiftLocked,
* Key to use when in symbols layout, defaults to [normal]. Mainly used internally for
* [TemplateShiftKey]
val symbols: Key = normal,
* Key to use when in symbols layout, defaults to [normal]. Mainly used internally for
* [TemplateShiftKey]
val symbolsShifted: Key = normal
) : AbstractKey {
override fun computeData(
@ -315,10 +496,15 @@ data class CaseSelector(
): ComputedKeyData? =
when(params.mId.mElementId) {
KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET -> normal
// KeyboardState.kt currently doesn't distinguish between these
// KeyboardState.kt currently doesn't distinguish between these
KeyboardId.ELEMENT_SYMBOLS -> symbols
KeyboardId.ELEMENT_SYMBOLS_SHIFTED -> symbolsShifted
else -> normal
@ -356,15 +542,47 @@ object KeyContextualSerializer : ClassOrScalarsSerializer<AbstractKey>(
* Affects the background for the key. Depending on the user theme settings, backgrounds may be
* different.
enum class KeyVisualStyle {
* Uses a normal key background, intended for all letters.
* Uses no key background, intended for number row numbers.
* Uses a slightly darker colored background, intended for functional keys (backspace, etc)
* Intended for Shift when it's not shiftlocked
* Intended for Shift to indicate it's shiftlocked. Uses a more bright background
* Uses a bright fully rounded background, normally used for the enter key
* Depending on the key borders setting, this is either
* the same as [Normal] (key borders enabled) or a
* fully rounded rectangle (key borders disabled)
@ -379,6 +597,9 @@ fun KeyVisualStyle.toBackgroundTypeInt(): Int = when(this) {
* An empty gap in place of a key
class GapKey(val attributes: KeyAttributes = KeyAttributes()) : AbstractKey {

View File

@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
package org.futo.inputmethod.v2keyboard
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardLayoutElement
import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardParams
import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.MoreKeySpec
data class KeyCoordinate(
val regularRow: Int,
val regularColumn: Int,
val element: KeyboardElement
val element: KeyboardLayoutElement

View File

@ -16,16 +16,58 @@ enum class RowNumberRowMode(val displayByDefault: Boolean, val displayWhenExplic
Hideable(false, false, true),
typealias KeyList = @Serializable(with = RowKeyListSerializer::class) List<Key>
* A keyboard row. Only one of [numbers], [letters], or [bottom] must be defined. The row type is
* determined by which one of those is defined.
data class Row(
// Only one of these must be defined
val numbers: @Serializable(with = RowKeyListSerializer::class) List<Key>? = null,
val letters: @Serializable(with = RowKeyListSerializer::class) List<Key>? = null,
val bottom: @Serializable(with = RowKeyListSerializer::class) List<Key>? = null,
* If defined, this is a number row. Number rows by default have grow keys, no background,
* and smaller height. They may also be hidden depending on the user settings and the value
* of [Keyboard.numberRowMode].
* See [DefaultNumberRow]
val numbers: KeyList? = null,
* If defined, this is a letters row. Letter rows by default are splittable.
val letters: KeyList? = null,
* If defined, this is a bottom row. Bottom row should typically contain:
* $symbols $action $space $contextual $enter
* See [DefaultBottomRow]
val bottom: KeyList? = null,
* (optional) The height multiplier for this row
val rowHeight: Double = if(numbers == null) { 1.0 } else { NumberRowHeight },
* (optional) Whether or not this row is splittable. Enabled for letter rows by default.
val splittable: Boolean = letters != null,
* (optional) How this row should behave with respect to the number row. Valid values:
* * `Default` - always display this row
* * `Filler` - only display when the number row is explicitly active
* * `Hideable` - only display when the number row is explicitly inactive
val numRowMode: RowNumberRowMode = RowNumberRowMode.Default,
* (optional) Default key attributes for keys in this row. Values set here supersede values
* set in `Keyboard.attributes`.
val attributes: KeyAttributes = KeyAttributes(
style = when {
numbers != null -> KeyVisualStyle.NoBackground
@ -80,15 +122,6 @@ val DefaultBottomRow = Row(
public enum class KeyboardElement {
enum class NumberRowMode {
@ -105,16 +138,6 @@ enum class BottomRowWidthMode(val separateFunctional: Boolean) {
enum class RowWidthMode {
enum class LongPressKeysMode {
enum class RowHeightMode(val clampHeight: Boolean) {
@ -123,33 +146,113 @@ enum class RowHeightMode(val clampHeight: Boolean) {
object SpacedLanguageListSerializer : SpacedListSerializer<String>(String.serializer(), { it.split(" ") })
typealias SpacedStringList = @Serializable(with = SpacedLanguageListSerializer::class) List<String>
* Override the symbols and other layouts for a specific layout.
data class LayoutSetOverrides(
val symbols: String = "symbols",
val symbolsShifted: String = "symbols_shift",
val number: String = "number",
val numberShifted: String = "number_shift",
val phone: String = "phone",
val phoneShifted: String = "phone_shift"
* A keyboard layout definition, the entry point for the layout yaml files.
data class Keyboard(
* The human-readable name of the layout. If the layout is for a specific language, this should
* be written in the relevant language.
val name: String,
private val definedRows: List<Row>,
* The rows defined for the layout. Defining the number row, bottom row, or the functional
* keys (shift/backspace) is optional here. If they are missing, defaults will automatically be
* added to `effectiveRows`.
private val rows: List<Row>,
val description: String = "",
* List of languages this layout is intended for. It will be displayed as an option for the
* specified languages.
val languages: SpacedStringList = listOf(),
val symbolsLayout: String = "symbols",
val symbolsShiftLayout: String = "symbols_shift",
val element: KeyboardElement = KeyboardElement.Alphabet,
* (optional) A human-readable description of the layout. Authorship/origin information may
* be added here. This is intended to be displayed to the user when they are selecting layouts.
val description: String = "",
* (optional) Override the symbols layout or other layouts for this layout set.
val layoutSetOverrides: LayoutSetOverrides = LayoutSetOverrides(),
* (optional) Whether the number row should be user-configurable, always displayed, or never.
val numberRowMode: NumberRowMode = NumberRowMode.UserConfigurable,
* (optional) Whether the bottom row should always maintain a consistent height, or whether
* it should grow and shrink.
val bottomRowHeightMode: BottomRowHeightMode = BottomRowHeightMode.Fixed,
* (optional) Whether the bottom row should follow key widths of other rows, or should maintain
* separate widths for consistency.
val bottomRowWidthMode: BottomRowWidthMode = BottomRowWidthMode.SeparateFunctional,
val rowWidthMode: RowWidthMode = RowWidthMode.PadSides,
val script: Script = Script.Latin,
val longPressKeysMode: LongPressKeysMode = LongPressKeysMode.UserConfigurable,
* (optional) Default attributes to use for all rows
val attributes: KeyAttributes = KeyAttributes(),
* (optional) Definitions of custom key widths. Values are between 0.0 and 1.0, with 1.0
* representing 100% of the keyboard width.
val overrideWidths: Map<KeyWidth, Float> = mapOf(),
* (optional) Whether or not rows should fill the vertical space, or have vertical gaps added.
val rowHeightMode: RowHeightMode = RowHeightMode.ClampHeight,
* (optional) Whether or not the ZWNJ key should be shown in place of the contextual key.
val useZWNJKey: Boolean = false,
* (optional) Minimum width for functional keys.
val minimumFunctionalKeyWidth: Float = 0.125f,
* (optional) Minimum width for functional keys in the bottom row.
val minimumBottomRowFunctionalKeyWidth: Float = 0.15f,
* (optional) Alternative pages for this layout, use in conjunction with $alt0, $alt1, $alt2
val altPages: List<List<Row>> = listOf()
// TODO: Custom long-press key settings configuration
//val element: KeyboardElement = KeyboardElement.Alphabet,
//val rowWidthMode: RowWidthMode = RowWidthMode.PadSides,
//val script: Script = Script.Latin,
//val longPressKeysMode: LongPressKeysMode = LongPressKeysMode.UserConfigurable,
) {
var id: String = ""
@ -161,7 +264,7 @@ data class Keyboard(
assert(rows.count { it.isLetterRow } in 1..8) { "Keyboard must contain between 1 and 8 letter rows" }
val effectiveRows = definedRows.toMutableList().apply {
val effectiveRows = rows.toMutableList().apply {
if(find { it.isNumberRow } == null) {
add(0, DefaultNumberRow)

View File

@ -105,12 +105,12 @@ class KeyboardLayoutSetV2 internal constructor(
val layoutName = forcedLayout ?: params.keyboardLayoutSet
val mainLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, layoutName)
val symbolsLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, mainLayout.symbolsLayout)
val symbolsShiftedLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, mainLayout.symbolsShiftLayout)
val numberLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, "number")
val numberShiftLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, "number_shift")
val phoneLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, "phone")
val phoneSymbolsLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, "phone_shift")
val symbolsLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, mainLayout.layoutSetOverrides.symbols)
val symbolsShiftedLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, mainLayout.layoutSetOverrides.symbolsShifted)
val numberLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, mainLayout.layoutSetOverrides.number)
val numberShiftLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, mainLayout.layoutSetOverrides.numberShifted)
val phoneLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context,
val phoneSymbolsLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, mainLayout.layoutSetOverrides.phoneShifted)
val errorLayout = LayoutManager.getLayout(context, "error")
val elements = mapOf(
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class KeyboardLayoutSetV2 internal constructor(
val baseLayout = elements[baseElement]
}?.let {
mainLayout.copy(definedRows = it)
mainLayout.copy(rows = it)
} ?: run {
// If all else fails, show the error layout
@ -240,7 +240,8 @@ class KeyboardLayoutSetV2 internal constructor(
val layoutParams = LayoutParams(
gap =,
useSplitLayout = params.useSplitLayout,
standardRowHeight = singularRowHeight
standardRowHeight = singularRowHeight,
element = element
try {
@ -269,34 +270,6 @@ Stack trace: ${ { it.toString() }}
private fun elementIdToElement(id: Int): KeyboardElement =
when(id) {
else -> KeyboardElement.Alphabet
public fun getKeyboardMode(editorInfo: EditorInfo): Int {
val inputType = editorInfo.inputType
val variation = inputType and InputType.TYPE_MASK_VARIATION

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.Key.ACTION_FLAGS_ENABLE_LONG_PRESS
import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.Key.ACTION_FLAGS_IS_REPEATABLE
import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.Key.ACTION_FLAGS_NO_KEY_PREVIEW
import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardLayoutElement
import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardParams
import org.futo.inputmethod.latin.R
import org.futo.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants
@ -85,7 +86,8 @@ data class LayoutRow(
data class LayoutParams(
val gap: Dp,
val useSplitLayout: Boolean,
val standardRowHeight: Double
val standardRowHeight: Double,
val element: KeyboardLayoutElement,
data class LayoutEngine(
@ -365,7 +367,7 @@ data class LayoutEngine(
val computedRowWithoutWidths = { row ->
var regularColumn = 0
row.keys.mapNotNull { key ->
key.computeData(params, row, keyboard, KeyCoordinate(regularRow, regularColumn, keyboard.element))?.let { data ->
key.computeData(params, row, keyboard, KeyCoordinate(regularRow, regularColumn, layoutParams.element))?.let { data ->
if(data.countsToKeyCoordinate) {
regularColumn += 1

View File

@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ object LayoutManager {
fun queryLayoutsForLocale(locale: Locale): List<Keyboard> {
val language = locale.language
val script = locale.getKeyboardScript()
return layoutsById!!.values.filter { it.languages.contains(language) || it.script == script }
//val script = locale.getKeyboardScript()
return layoutsById!!.values.filter { it.languages.contains(language) }
fun getAllLayoutNames(context: Context): List<String> {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package org.futo.inputmethod.v2keyboard
import org.futo.inputmethod.keyboard.internal.KeyboardLayoutKind
import org.futo.inputmethod.latin.common.Constants
fun getDefaultMoreKeysForKey(code: Int, relevantSpecShortcut: List<String>?): String {
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ val QwertySymbols = listOf(
fun getSymsForCoordinate(keyCoordinate: KeyCoordinate): String {
if(keyCoordinate.element != KeyboardElement.Alphabet) return ""
if(keyCoordinate.element.kind != KeyboardLayoutKind.Alphabet) return ""
val row = QwertySymbols.getOrNull(keyCoordinate.regularRow)
val letter = row?.getOrNull(keyCoordinate.regularColumn)
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ fun getSymsForCoordinate(keyCoordinate: KeyCoordinate): String {
fun getNumForCoordinate(keyCoordinate: KeyCoordinate): String {
if(keyCoordinate.element != KeyboardElement.Alphabet) return ""
if(keyCoordinate.element.kind != KeyboardLayoutKind.Alphabet) return ""
if(keyCoordinate.regularRow == 0 && keyCoordinate.regularColumn <= 9) {
if(keyCoordinate.regularColumn == 9) {