diff --git a/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/keyboard/LatinKeyboard.java b/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/keyboard/LatinKeyboard.java
index b54378725..c279769f6 100644
--- a/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/keyboard/LatinKeyboard.java
+++ b/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/keyboard/LatinKeyboard.java
@@ -194,8 +194,7 @@ public class LatinKeyboard extends Keyboard {
     // Layout local language name and left and right arrow on spacebar.
     private static String layoutSpacebar(Paint paint, Locale locale, Drawable lArrow,
-            Drawable rArrow, int width, int height, float origTextSize,
-            boolean allowVariableTextSize) {
+            Drawable rArrow, int width, int height, float origTextSize) {
         final float arrowWidth = lArrow.getIntrinsicWidth();
         final float arrowHeight = lArrow.getIntrinsicHeight();
         final float maxTextWidth = width - (arrowWidth + arrowWidth);
@@ -206,17 +205,23 @@ public class LatinKeyboard extends Keyboard {
         int textWidth = getTextWidth(paint, language, origTextSize, bounds);
         // Assuming text width and text size are proportional to each other.
         float textSize = origTextSize * Math.min(maxTextWidth / textWidth, 1.0f);
+        // allow variable text size
+        textWidth = getTextWidth(paint, language, textSize, bounds);
+        // If text size goes too small or text does not fit, use middle or short name
+        final boolean useMiddleName = (textSize / origTextSize < MINIMUM_SCALE_OF_LANGUAGE_NAME)
+                || (textWidth > maxTextWidth);
         final boolean useShortName;
-        if (allowVariableTextSize) {
-            textWidth = getTextWidth(paint, language, textSize, bounds);
-            // If text size goes too small or text does not fit, use short name
-            useShortName = textSize / origTextSize < MINIMUM_SCALE_OF_LANGUAGE_NAME
-                    || textWidth > maxTextWidth;
+        if (useMiddleName) {
+            language = SubtypeSwitcher.getMiddleDisplayLanguage(locale);
+            textWidth = getTextWidth(paint, language, origTextSize, bounds);
+            textSize = origTextSize * Math.min(maxTextWidth / textWidth, 1.0f);
+            useShortName = (textSize / origTextSize < MINIMUM_SCALE_OF_LANGUAGE_NAME)
+                    || (textWidth > maxTextWidth);
         } else {
-            useShortName = textWidth > maxTextWidth;
-            textSize = origTextSize;
+            useShortName = false;
         if (useShortName) {
             language = SubtypeSwitcher.getShortDisplayLanguage(locale);
             textWidth = getTextWidth(paint, language, origTextSize, bounds);
@@ -276,11 +281,9 @@ public class LatinKeyboard extends Keyboard {
                 defaultTextSize = 14;
-            final boolean allowVariableTextSize = true;
             final String language = layoutSpacebar(paint, inputLocale,
                     mButtonArrowLeftIcon, mButtonArrowRightIcon, width, height,
-                    getTextSizeFromTheme(mContext.getTheme(), textStyle, defaultTextSize),
-                    allowVariableTextSize);
+                    getTextSizeFromTheme(mContext.getTheme(), textStyle, defaultTextSize));
             // Draw language text with shadow
             // In case there is no space icon, we will place the language text at the center of
diff --git a/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/SubtypeSwitcher.java b/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/SubtypeSwitcher.java
index 160b677e1..158977927 100644
--- a/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/SubtypeSwitcher.java
+++ b/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/latin/SubtypeSwitcher.java
@@ -607,6 +607,10 @@ public class SubtypeSwitcher {
         return toTitleCase(locale.getDisplayLanguage(locale));
+    public static String getMiddleDisplayLanguage(Locale locale) {
+        return toTitleCase(locale.getDisplayLanguage(new Locale(locale.getLanguage())));
+    }
     public static String getShortDisplayLanguage(Locale locale) {
         return toTitleCase(locale.getLanguage());