Merge "Reload keyboard after SoftInputWindow size changed"

This commit is contained in:
Tadashi G. Takaoka 2011-05-20 00:42:13 -07:00 committed by Android (Google) Code Review
commit 29a4b1ac88
10 changed files with 97 additions and 59 deletions

View File

@ -151,16 +151,11 @@ public class Keyboard {
* @param context the application or service context
* @param xmlLayoutResId the resource file that contains the keyboard layout and keys.
* @param id keyboard identifier
* @param width keyboard width
public Keyboard(Context context, int xmlLayoutResId, KeyboardId id) {
this(context, xmlLayoutResId, id,
private Keyboard(Context context, int xmlLayoutResId, KeyboardId id, int width,
int height) {
Resources res = context.getResources();
public Keyboard(Context context, int xmlLayoutResId, KeyboardId id, int width) {
final Resources res = context.getResources();
GRID_WIDTH = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_keyboard_grid_width);
GRID_HEIGHT = res.getInteger(R.integer.config_keyboard_grid_height);
@ -168,7 +163,8 @@ public class Keyboard {
final int horizontalEdgesPadding = (int)res.getDimension(
mDisplayWidth = width - horizontalEdgesPadding * 2;
mDisplayHeight = height;
// TODO: Adjust the height by referring to the height of area available for drawing as well.
mDisplayHeight = res.getDisplayMetrics().heightPixels;
mDefaultHorizontalGap = 0;
setKeyWidth(mDisplayWidth / 10);

View File

@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ public class KeyboardId {
public final Locale mLocale;
public final int mOrientation;
public final int mWidth;
public final int mMode;
public final int mXmlId;
public final int mColorScheme;
@ -49,17 +50,20 @@ public class KeyboardId {
public final boolean mHasVoiceKey;
public final int mImeAction;
public final boolean mEnableShiftLock;
public final String mXmlName;
public final EditorInfo mAttribute;
private final int mHashCode;
public KeyboardId(String xmlName, int xmlId, int colorScheme, Locale locale, int orientation,
int mode, EditorInfo attribute, boolean hasSettingsKey, boolean voiceKeyEnabled,
boolean hasVoiceKey, boolean enableShiftLock) {
int width, int mode, EditorInfo attribute, boolean hasSettingsKey,
boolean voiceKeyEnabled, boolean hasVoiceKey, boolean enableShiftLock) {
final int inputType = (attribute != null) ? attribute.inputType : 0;
final int imeOptions = (attribute != null) ? attribute.imeOptions : 0;
this.mLocale = locale;
this.mOrientation = orientation;
this.mWidth = width;
this.mMode = mode;
this.mXmlId = xmlId;
this.mColorScheme = colorScheme;
@ -73,11 +77,14 @@ public class KeyboardId {
this.mImeAction = imeOptions & (
this.mEnableShiftLock = enableShiftLock;
this.mXmlName = xmlName;
this.mAttribute = attribute;
this.mHashCode = Arrays.hashCode(new Object[] {
@ -90,6 +97,18 @@ public class KeyboardId {
public KeyboardId cloneWithNewLayout(String xmlName, int xmlId) {
return new KeyboardId(xmlName, xmlId, mColorScheme, mLocale, mOrientation, mWidth, mMode,
mAttribute, mHasSettingsKey, mVoiceKeyEnabled, mHasVoiceKey, mEnableShiftLock);
public KeyboardId cloneWithNewGeometry(int width) {
if (mWidth == width)
return this;
return new KeyboardId(mXmlName, mXmlId, mColorScheme, mLocale, mOrientation, width, mMode,
mAttribute, mHasSettingsKey, mVoiceKeyEnabled, mHasVoiceKey, mEnableShiftLock);
public int getXmlId() {
return mXmlId;
@ -118,6 +137,7 @@ public class KeyboardId {
boolean equals(KeyboardId other) {
return other.mLocale.equals(this.mLocale)
&& other.mOrientation == this.mOrientation
&& other.mWidth == this.mWidth
&& other.mMode == this.mMode
&& other.mXmlId == this.mXmlId
&& other.mColorScheme == this.mColorScheme
@ -136,10 +156,10 @@ public class KeyboardId {
public String toString() {
return String.format("[%s.xml %s %s %s imeAction=%s %s%s%s%s%s%s]",
return String.format("[%s.xml %s %s%d %s %s %s%s%s%s%s%s]",
(mOrientation == 1 ? "port" : "land"),
(mOrientation == 1 ? "port" : "land"), mWidth,
(mPasswordInput ? " passwordInput" : ""),

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ import java.util.Locale;
public class KeyboardSwitcher implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener {
private static final String TAG = "KeyboardSwitcher";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private static final boolean DEBUG_CACHE = false;
public static final boolean DEBUG_STATE = false;
private static String sConfigDefaultKeyboardThemeId;
@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ public class KeyboardSwitcher implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceCha
private int mLayoutId;
private int mKeyboardWidth;
private static final KeyboardSwitcher sInstance = new KeyboardSwitcher();
@ -151,17 +152,39 @@ public class KeyboardSwitcher implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceCha
// Update the settings key state because number of enabled IMEs could have been changed
mSettingsKeyEnabledInSettings = getSettingsKeyMode(mPrefs, mInputMethodService);
final KeyboardId id = getKeyboardId(attribute, isSymbols);
makeSymbolsKeyboardIds(id.mMode, attribute);
mCurrentId = id;
final Resources res = mInputMethodService.getResources();
mInputView.setKeyPreviewPopupEnabled(Settings.Values.isKeyPreviewPopupEnabled(mPrefs, res),
Settings.Values.getKeyPreviewPopupDismissDelay(mPrefs, res));
// Note: This comment is only applied for phone number keyboard layout.
// On non-xlarge device, "@integer/key_switch_alpha_symbol" key code is used to switch
// between "phone keyboard" and "phone symbols keyboard". But on xlarge device,
// "@integer/key_shift" key code is used for that purpose in order to properly display
// "more" and "locked more" key labels. To achieve these behavior, we should initialize
// mSymbolsId and mSymbolsShiftedId to "phone keyboard" and "phone symbols keyboard"
// respectively here for xlarge device's layout switching.
mSymbolsId = makeSiblingKeyboardId(id, R.xml.kbd_symbols, R.xml.kbd_phone);
mSymbolsShiftedId = makeSiblingKeyboardId(
id, R.xml.kbd_symbols_shift, R.xml.kbd_phone_symbols);
public void onSizeChanged() {
final int width = mInputMethodService.getWindow().getWindow().getDecorView().getWidth();
if (width == 0)
mKeyboardWidth = width;
// Set keyboard with new width.
final KeyboardId newId = mCurrentId.cloneWithNewGeometry(width);
private void setKeyboard(final Keyboard newKeyboard) {
final Keyboard oldKeyboard = mInputView.getKeyboard();
mCurrentId = newKeyboard.mId;
final Resources res = mInputMethodService.getResources();
Settings.Values.isKeyPreviewPopupEnabled(mPrefs, res),
Settings.Values.getKeyPreviewPopupDismissDelay(mPrefs, res));
final boolean localeChanged = (oldKeyboard == null)
|| !newKeyboard.mId.mLocale.equals(oldKeyboard.mId.mLocale);
@ -175,19 +198,19 @@ public class KeyboardSwitcher implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceCha
final Locale savedLocale = Utils.setSystemLocale(res,
keyboard = new LatinKeyboard(mInputMethodService, id);
keyboard = new LatinKeyboard(mInputMethodService, id, id.mWidth);
if (id.mEnableShiftLock) {
mKeyboardCache.put(id, new SoftReference<LatinKeyboard>(keyboard));
if (DEBUG)
Log.d(TAG, "keyboard cache size=" + mKeyboardCache.size() + ": "
+ ((ref == null) ? "LOAD" : "GCed") + " id=" + id);
Utils.setSystemLocale(res, savedLocale);
} else if (DEBUG) {
} else if (DEBUG_CACHE) {
Log.d(TAG, "keyboard cache size=" + mKeyboardCache.size() + ": HIT id=" + id);
@ -244,33 +267,19 @@ public class KeyboardSwitcher implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceCha
final boolean hasSettingsKey = hasSettingsKey(attribute);
final Resources res = mInputMethodService.getResources();
final int orientation = res.getConfiguration().orientation;
if (mKeyboardWidth == 0)
mKeyboardWidth = res.getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels;
final Locale locale = mSubtypeSwitcher.getInputLocale();
return new KeyboardId(
res.getResourceEntryName(xmlId), xmlId, charColorId, locale, orientation, mode,
attribute, hasSettingsKey, mVoiceKeyEnabled, hasVoiceKey, enableShiftLock);
res.getResourceEntryName(xmlId), xmlId, charColorId, locale, orientation,
mKeyboardWidth, mode, attribute, hasSettingsKey, mVoiceKeyEnabled, hasVoiceKey,
private void makeSymbolsKeyboardIds(final int mode, EditorInfo attribute) {
final Locale locale = mSubtypeSwitcher.getInputLocale();
final Resources res = mInputMethodService.getResources();
final int orientation = res.getConfiguration().orientation;
final int colorScheme = getColorScheme();
final boolean hasVoiceKey = mVoiceKeyEnabled && !mVoiceButtonOnPrimary;
final boolean hasSettingsKey = hasSettingsKey(attribute);
// Note: This comment is only applied for phone number keyboard layout.
// On non-xlarge device, "@integer/key_switch_alpha_symbol" key code is used to switch
// between "phone keyboard" and "phone symbols keyboard". But on xlarge device,
// "@integer/key_shift" key code is used for that purpose in order to properly display
// "more" and "locked more" key labels. To achieve these behavior, we should initialize
// mSymbolsId and mSymbolsShiftedId to "phone keyboard" and "phone symbols keyboard"
// respectively here for xlarge device's layout switching.
int xmlId = mode == KeyboardId.MODE_PHONE ? R.xml.kbd_phone : R.xml.kbd_symbols;
final String xmlName = res.getResourceEntryName(xmlId);
mSymbolsId = new KeyboardId(xmlName, xmlId, colorScheme, locale, orientation, mode,
attribute, hasSettingsKey, mVoiceKeyEnabled, hasVoiceKey, false);
xmlId = mode == KeyboardId.MODE_PHONE ? R.xml.kbd_phone_symbols : R.xml.kbd_symbols_shift;
mSymbolsShiftedId = new KeyboardId(xmlName, xmlId, colorScheme, locale, orientation, mode,
attribute, hasSettingsKey, mVoiceKeyEnabled, hasVoiceKey, false);
private KeyboardId makeSiblingKeyboardId(KeyboardId base, int alphabet, int phone) {
final int xmlId = base.mMode == KeyboardId.MODE_PHONE ? phone : alphabet;
final String xmlName = mInputMethodService.getResources().getResourceEntryName(xmlId);
return base.cloneWithNewLayout(xmlName, xmlId);
public int getKeyboardMode() {
@ -561,14 +570,12 @@ public class KeyboardSwitcher implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceCha
final LatinKeyboard keyboard;
if (mCurrentId.equals(mSymbolsId) || !mCurrentId.equals(mSymbolsShiftedId)) {
mCurrentId = mSymbolsShiftedId;
keyboard = getKeyboard(mCurrentId);
keyboard = getKeyboard(mSymbolsShiftedId);
// Symbol shifted keyboard has an ALT key that has a caps lock style indicator. To
// enable the indicator, we need to call setShiftLocked(true).
} else {
mCurrentId = mSymbolsId;
keyboard = getKeyboard(mCurrentId);
keyboard = getKeyboard(mSymbolsId);
// Symbol keyboard has an ALT key that has a caps lock style indicator. To disable the
// indicator, we need to call setShiftLocked(false).

View File

@ -462,6 +462,12 @@ public class KeyboardView extends View implements PointerTracker.UIProxy {
return mKeyboardActionListener;
protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {
// TODO: Should notify InputMethodService instead?
* Attaches a keyboard to this view. The keyboard can be switched at any time and the
* view will re-layout itself to accommodate the keyboard.

View File

@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ public class LatinKeyboard extends Keyboard {
private static final String SMALL_TEXT_SIZE_OF_LANGUAGE_ON_SPACEBAR = "small";
private static final String MEDIUM_TEXT_SIZE_OF_LANGUAGE_ON_SPACEBAR = "medium";
public LatinKeyboard(Context context, KeyboardId id) {
super(context, id.getXmlId(), id);
public LatinKeyboard(Context context, KeyboardId id, int width) {
super(context, id.getXmlId(), id, width);
final Resources res = context.getResources();
mContext = context;

View File

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ import java.util.List;
public class MiniKeyboard extends Keyboard {
private int mDefaultKeyCoordX;
public MiniKeyboard(Context context, int xmlLayoutResId, KeyboardId id) {
super(context, xmlLayoutResId, id);
public MiniKeyboard(Context context, int xmlLayoutResId, Keyboard parentKeyboard) {
super(context, xmlLayoutResId, null, parentKeyboard.getMinWidth());
public void setDefaultCoordX(int pos) {

View File

@ -185,7 +185,8 @@ public class MiniKeyboardBuilder {
Keyboard parentKeyboard) {
final Context context = view.getContext();
mRes = context.getResources();
final MiniKeyboard keyboard = new MiniKeyboard(context, layoutTemplateResId, null);
final MiniKeyboard keyboard = new MiniKeyboard(
context, layoutTemplateResId, parentKeyboard);
mKeyboard = keyboard;
mPopupCharacters = parentKey.mPopupCharacters;

View File

@ -623,6 +623,13 @@ public class LatinIME extends InputMethodServiceCompatWrapper implements Keyboar
public void onWindowHidden() {
KeyboardView inputView = mKeyboardSwitcher.getInputView();
if (inputView != null) inputView.closing();
public void onFinishInput() {
@ -809,7 +816,7 @@ public class LatinIME extends InputMethodServiceCompatWrapper implements Keyboar
if (isExtractViewShown()) {
// No need to have extra space to show the key preview.
} else {
// We must control the visibility of the suggestion strip in order to avoid clipped
// key previews, even when we don't show the suggestion strip.

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ public class SuggestHelper {
// Use null as the locale for Suggest so as to force it to use the internal dictionary
// (and not try to find a dictionary provider for a specified locale)
mSuggest = new Suggest(context, dictionaryId, null);
mKeyboard = new LatinKeyboard(context, keyboardId);
mKeyboard = new LatinKeyboard(context, keyboardId, keyboardId.mWidth);
mKeyDetector = new KeyDetector();
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ public class SuggestHelper {
protected SuggestHelper(Context context, File dictionaryPath, long startOffset, long length,
KeyboardId keyboardId) {
mSuggest = new Suggest(context, dictionaryPath, startOffset, length, null);
mKeyboard = new LatinKeyboard(context, keyboardId);
mKeyboard = new LatinKeyboard(context, keyboardId, keyboardId.mWidth);
mKeyDetector = new KeyDetector();

View File

@ -38,10 +38,11 @@ public class SuggestTestsBase extends AndroidTestCase {
mTestPackageFile = new File(getTestContext().getApplicationInfo().sourceDir);
protected static KeyboardId createKeyboardId(Locale locale) {
protected KeyboardId createKeyboardId(Locale locale) {
final int displayWidth = getContext().getResources().getDisplayMetrics().widthPixels;
return new KeyboardId(locale.toString() + " keyboard",, KeyboardView.COLOR_SCHEME_WHITE,
locale, Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE, KeyboardId.MODE_TEXT,
locale, displayWidth, Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE, KeyboardId.MODE_TEXT,
new EditorInfo(), false, false, false, false);