mirror of
synced 2024-09-28 14:54:30 +01:00
AI 144891: Import a bunch of revised translations.
Automated import of CL 144891
This commit is contained in:
@ -36,18 +36,12 @@
<string name="auto_punctuate">"Automatická interpunkce"</string>
<!-- no translation found for auto_punctuate_summary (6589441565817502132) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes (5353213327680897927) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes_summary (3405028402510332373) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions (507074425254289133) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions_summary (1989672863935759654) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete (1103196318775486023) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete_summary (6113149638718274624) -->
<skip />
<string name="quick_fixes">"Rychlé opravy"</string>
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">"Opravuje běžné překlepy"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions">"Zobrazovat návrhy"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">"Při psaní zobrazovat návrhy slov"</string>
<string name="auto_complete">"Automatické dokončování"</string>
<string name="auto_complete_summary">"Stisknutí mezerníku nebo interpunkce automaticky vloží zvýrazněné slovo"</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
@ -75,22 +69,14 @@
<string name="tip_dismiss">"Stisknutím klávesy Zpět ↶ můžete klávesnici kdykoli zavřít"</string>
<string name="tip_access_symbols">"Přístup k číslům a symbolům"</string>
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">"Stisknutím a podržením slova zcela vlevo toto slovo přidáte do slovníku"</string>
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_continue (7869803257948414531) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_finish (7990196086480585789) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_keyboard (6821200275486950452) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_view_accents (5433158573693308501) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_launch_settings (8402961128983196128) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_start_typing (7213843601369174313) -->
<skip />
<string name="touch_to_continue">"Chcete-li pokračovat, dotkněte se této rady »"</string>
<string name="touch_to_finish">"Chcete-li tuto radu zavřít a začít psát, dotkněte se zde."</string>
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>"Klávesnice se zobrazí, kdykoli se dotknete textového pole."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>"Stisknutím a podržením klávesy zobrazíte diakritiku"\n"(ó, ø, ö, ô atd.)"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>"Stisknutím této klávesy přejdete do režimu číslic a symbolů"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>"Opětovným stisknutím této klávesy se vrátíte zpět do režimu písmen"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>"Chcete-li změnit nastavení klávesnice, jako například automatické dokončování, stiskněte tuto klávesu a podržte ji."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>"Zkuste to."</b></string>
<string name="label_go_key">"Přejít"</string>
<string name="label_next_key">"Další"</string>
<string name="label_done_key">"Hotovo"</string>
@ -36,18 +36,12 @@
<string name="auto_punctuate">"Autom. Zeichensetzung"</string>
<!-- no translation found for auto_punctuate_summary (6589441565817502132) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes_summary (3405028402510332373) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions (507074425254289133) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions_summary (1989672863935759654) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete (1103196318775486023) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete_summary (6113149638718274624) -->
<skip />
<string name="quick_fixes">"Quick Fixes"</string>
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">"Korrigiert gängige Tippfehler"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions">"Vorschläge anzeigen"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">"Vorgeschlagene Wörter während des Tippens anzeigen"</string>
<string name="auto_complete">"Automatische Vervollständigung"</string>
<string name="auto_complete_summary">"Leertaste und Interpunktion fügen automatisch ein hervorgehobenes Wort ein"</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
@ -75,22 +69,14 @@
<string name="tip_dismiss">"Zum Schließen der Tastatur ↶ drücken"</string>
<string name="tip_access_symbols">"Auf Zahlen und Symbole zugreifen"</string>
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">"Lange auf das Wort ganz links außen drücken, um es zum Wörterbuch hinzuzufügen"</string>
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_continue (7869803257948414531) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_finish (7990196086480585789) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_keyboard (6821200275486950452) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_view_accents (5433158573693308501) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_symbols (7345139325622444880) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_close_symbols (5227724217206927185) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_launch_settings (8402961128983196128) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_start_typing (7213843601369174313) -->
<skip />
<string name="touch_to_continue">"Diesen Hinweis berühren, um fortzufahren »"</string>
<string name="touch_to_finish">"Hier berühren, um diesen Hinweis zu schließen und mit dem Tippen zu beginnen!"</string>
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>"Die Tastatur wird immer dann geöffnet, wenn Sie ein Textfeld berühren."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>"Halten Sie eine Taste gedrückt, um Sonderzeichen anzuzeigen"\n"(ø, ö, ô, ó usw.)."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>"Wechseln Sie zu Nummern und Symbolen, indem Sie diese Taste berühren."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>"Gehen Sie zurück zu Buchstaben, indem Sie diese Taste erneut drücken."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>"Halten Sie diese Taste gedrückt, um die Tastatureinstellungen, wie beispielsweise die automatische Vervollständigung, zu ändern."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>"Probieren Sie es!"</b></string>
<string name="label_go_key">"Los"</string>
<string name="label_next_key">"Weiter"</string>
<string name="label_done_key">"Fertig"</string>
@ -36,18 +36,12 @@
<string name="auto_punctuate">"Puntuación automática"</string>
<!-- no translation found for auto_punctuate_summary (6589441565817502132) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes (5353213327680897927) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes_summary (3405028402510332373) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions (507074425254289133) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions_summary (1989672863935759654) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete (1103196318775486023) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
<string name="quick_fixes">"Correcciones rápidas"</string>
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">"Corrige los errores tipográficos que se cometen con más frecuencia."</string>
<string name="show_suggestions">"Mostrar sugerencias"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">"Muestra las palabras sugeridas mientras se escribe."</string>
<string name="auto_complete">"Autocompletar"</string>
<string name="auto_complete_summary">"La barra espaciadora y los signos de puntuación insertan automáticamente la palabra resaltada."</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
@ -75,22 +69,14 @@
<string name="tip_dismiss">"Pulsa la tecla \"Atrás\" ↶ para cerrar el teclado en cualquier momento."</string>
<string name="tip_access_symbols">"Acceso a números y símbolos"</string>
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">"Mantén pulsada la palabra situada más a la izquierda para añadirla al diccionario."</string>
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_continue (7869803257948414531) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_finish (7990196086480585789) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_keyboard (6821200275486950452) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_view_accents (5433158573693308501) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_symbols (7345139325622444880) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_close_symbols (5227724217206927185) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_launch_settings (8402961128983196128) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_start_typing (7213843601369174313) -->
<skip />
<string name="touch_to_continue">"Toca esta sugerencia para continuar »"</string>
<string name="touch_to_finish">"Toca aquí para cerrar la sugerencia y comenzar a escribir."</string>
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>"El teclado se abre cada vez que tocas un campo de texto"</b>"."</string>
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>"Mantén pulsada una tecla para ver los caracteres acentuados "\n"(ø, ö, ô, ó, etc.)"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>"Toca esta tecla para cambiar al teclado de números y símbolos"</b>"."</string>
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>"Toca esta tecla de nuevo para volver a las letras"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>"Mantén pulsada esta tecla para cambiar la configuración del teclado como, por ejemplo, la opción de autocompletar"</b>"."</string>
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>"¡Pruébalo!"</b></string>
<string name="label_go_key">"Ir"</string>
<string name="label_next_key">"Siguiente"</string>
<string name="label_done_key">"Hecho"</string>
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
<string name="english_ime_name">"Clavier Android"</string>
<string name="english_ime_settings">"Paramètres du clavier Android"</string>
<string name="vibrate_on_keypress">"Vibrer à chaque touche enfoncée"</string>
<string name="sound_on_keypress">"Son à chaque touche enfoncée"</string>
<string name="vibrate_on_keypress">"Vibrer à chaque touche"</string>
<string name="sound_on_keypress">"Son à chaque touche"</string>
<string name="hit_correction">"Corriger les fautes de frappe"</string>
<string name="hit_correction_summary">"Activer la correction des erreurs de saisie"</string>
<string name="hit_correction_land">"Erreurs de saisie en mode paysage"</string>
@ -31,23 +31,17 @@
<string name="auto_complete_dialog_title">"Saisie semi-automatique"</string>
<string name="prediction_landscape">"Agrandir le champ de texte"</string>
<string name="prediction_landscape_summary">"Masquer la saisie prédictive en mode paysage"</string>
<string name="auto_cap">"Mise en majuscules automatique"</string>
<string name="auto_cap">"Majuscules automatiques"</string>
<string name="auto_cap_summary">"Mettre en majuscule la première lettre de chaque phrase"</string>
<string name="auto_punctuate">"Ponctuation automatique"</string>
<!-- no translation found for auto_punctuate_summary (6589441565817502132) -->
<skip />
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<skip />
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<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions (507074425254289133) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions_summary (1989672863935759654) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete (1103196318775486023) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete_summary (6113149638718274624) -->
<skip />
<string name="quick_fixes">"Corrections rapides"</string>
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">"Corrige les fautes de frappe courantes"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions">"Afficher les suggestions"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">"Afficher les suggestions de terme lors de la saisie"</string>
<string name="auto_complete">"Saisie semi-automatique"</string>
<string name="auto_complete_summary">"La barre d\'espace et la ponctuation insèrent automatiquement les termes en surbrillance."</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
@ -75,22 +69,14 @@
<string name="tip_dismiss">"Appuyez sur la touche Retour ↶ pour fermer le clavier à tout moment."</string>
<string name="tip_access_symbols">"Accéder aux chiffres et symboles"</string>
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">"Appuyer et maintenir le doigt sur le mot le plus à gauche pour l\'ajouter au dictionnaire"</string>
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_continue (7869803257948414531) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_finish (7990196086480585789) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_keyboard (6821200275486950452) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_view_accents (5433158573693308501) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_symbols (7345139325622444880) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_close_symbols (5227724217206927185) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_launch_settings (8402961128983196128) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_start_typing (7213843601369174313) -->
<skip />
<string name="touch_to_continue">"Appuyez sur ce conseil pour continuer »"</string>
<string name="touch_to_finish">"Appuyez ici pour fermer ce conseil et commencer à saisir votre texte."</string>
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>"Le clavier s\'affiche à chaque fois que vous appuyez sur une zone de texte."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>"Maintenez une touche enfoncée pour afficher les accents"\n"(ø, ö, ô, ó, etc.)"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>"Appuyez sur cette touche pour basculer vers les chiffres et les symboles."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>"Retourner au clavier en appuyant de nouveau sur cette touche"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>"Maintenez cette touche enfoncée afin de modifier les paramètres du clavier, tels que la saisie semi-automatique."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>"Essayez !"</b></string>
<string name="label_go_key">"OK"</string>
<string name="label_next_key">"Suivant"</string>
<string name="label_done_key">"Terminé"</string>
@ -36,18 +36,12 @@
<string name="auto_punctuate">"Punteggiatura automatica"</string>
<!-- no translation found for auto_punctuate_summary (6589441565817502132) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes (5353213327680897927) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes_summary (3405028402510332373) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions (507074425254289133) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions_summary (1989672863935759654) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete (1103196318775486023) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete_summary (6113149638718274624) -->
<skip />
<string name="quick_fixes">"Correzioni veloci"</string>
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">"Corregge gli errori di digitazione più comuni"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions">"Mostra suggerimenti"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">"Visualizza le parole suggerite durante la digitazione"</string>
<string name="auto_complete">"Completamento automatico"</string>
<string name="auto_complete_summary">"La barra spaziatrice e la punteggiatura inseriscono automaticamente la parola evidenziata"</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
@ -75,22 +69,14 @@
<string name="tip_dismiss">"Premi il tasto Indietro ↶ per chiudere la tastiera in qualsiasi punto"</string>
<string name="tip_access_symbols">"Accedi a numeri e simboli"</string>
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">"Tieni premuto sulla parola all\'estrema sinistra per aggiungerla al dizionario"</string>
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_continue (7869803257948414531) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_finish (7990196086480585789) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_keyboard (6821200275486950452) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_view_accents (5433158573693308501) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_symbols (7345139325622444880) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_close_symbols (5227724217206927185) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_launch_settings (8402961128983196128) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_start_typing (7213843601369174313) -->
<skip />
<string name="touch_to_continue">"Tocca questo suggerimento per continuare »"</string>
<string name="touch_to_finish">"Tocca qui per chiudere questo suggerimento e iniziare a digitare."</string>
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>"La tastiera si apre ogni volta che tocchi un campo di testo"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>"Tocca e tieni premuto un tasto per visualizzare le lettere con segni diacritici"\n"(ø, ö, ô, ó e così via)"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>"Passa a numeri e simboli toccando questo tasto"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>"Torna all\'alfabeto toccando di nuovo questo tasto"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>"Tocca e tieni premuto questo tasto per modificare le impostazioni della tastiera, come il completamento automatico"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>"Prova."</b></string>
<string name="label_go_key">"Vai"</string>
<string name="label_next_key">"Avanti"</string>
<string name="label_done_key">"Fine"</string>
@ -36,18 +36,12 @@
<string name="auto_punctuate">"句読点を自動入力"</string>
<!-- no translation found for auto_punctuate_summary (6589441565817502132) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes (5353213327680897927) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes_summary (3405028402510332373) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions (507074425254289133) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions_summary (1989672863935759654) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete (1103196318775486023) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete_summary (6113149638718274624) -->
<skip />
<string name="quick_fixes">"クイックフィックス"</string>
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">"よくある誤字・脱字を修正します"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions">"入力候補を表示"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">"入力時に入力候補を表示します"</string>
<string name="auto_complete">"オートコンプリート"</string>
<string name="auto_complete_summary">"スペースまたは句読点キーを押すと、ハイライトされたキーワードが自動入力されます"</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
@ -75,22 +69,14 @@
<string name="tip_dismiss">"戻るキーでキーボードを閉じます"</string>
<string name="tip_access_symbols">"数字と記号"</string>
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">"一番左の語句を長押しすると辞書に追加されます"</string>
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_continue (7869803257948414531) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_finish (7990196086480585789) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_keyboard (6821200275486950452) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_view_accents (5433158573693308501) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_symbols (7345139325622444880) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_close_symbols (5227724217206927185) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_launch_settings (8402961128983196128) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_start_typing (7213843601369174313) -->
<skip />
<string name="touch_to_continue">"続けるにはヒントをタッチ >>"</string>
<string name="touch_to_finish">"タッチしてこのヒントを終了し、入力を開始してください。"</string>
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>"テキストフィールドを選択するとキーボードが表示されます"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>"キーを長押しするとアクセント付き文字"\n"(ø、ö、ô、óなど)が表示されます"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>"このキーを押すと、数字/記号入力に切り替わります"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>"このキーを押すと、文字入力に再度切り替わります"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>"オートコンプリートなどのキーボードの設定を変更するには、このキーを長押しします"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>"試してみてください。"</b></string>
<string name="label_go_key">"実行"</string>
<string name="label_next_key">"次へ"</string>
<string name="label_done_key">"完了"</string>
@ -36,18 +36,12 @@
<string name="auto_punctuate">"자동 구두점 입력"</string>
<!-- no translation found for auto_punctuate_summary (6589441565817502132) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes (5353213327680897927) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes_summary (3405028402510332373) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions (507074425254289133) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions_summary (1989672863935759654) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete (1103196318775486023) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete_summary (6113149638718274624) -->
<skip />
<string name="quick_fixes">"빠른 수정"</string>
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">"일반적인 오타를 수정합니다."</string>
<string name="show_suggestions">"추천 단어 표시"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">"글자를 입력하는 동안 추천 단어를 표시합니다."</string>
<string name="auto_complete">"자동 완성"</string>
<string name="auto_complete_summary">"스페이스 바와 문장부호 키를 사용하면 강조 표시된 단어가 자동으로 삽입됩니다."</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
@ -75,22 +69,14 @@
<string name="tip_dismiss">"키보드를 닫으려면 언제든지 뒤로 키(↶)를 누르세요."</string>
<string name="tip_access_symbols">"숫자 및 기호 액세스"</string>
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">"맨 왼쪽에 있는 단어를 길게 누르면 사전에 추가됩니다."</string>
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_continue (7869803257948414531) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_finish (7990196086480585789) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_keyboard (6821200275486950452) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_view_accents (5433158573693308501) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_symbols (7345139325622444880) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_close_symbols (5227724217206927185) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_launch_settings (8402961128983196128) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_start_typing (7213843601369174313) -->
<skip />
<string name="touch_to_continue">"계속하려면 힌트를 터치하세요. »"</string>
<string name="touch_to_finish">"힌트를 닫고 입력을 시작하려면 여기를 터치하세요."</string>
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>"입력란을 터치하면 키보드가 열립니다."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>"키를 길게 누르면 악센트"\n"(ø, ö, ô, ó 등)를 볼 수 있습니다."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>"이 키를 터치하면 숫자 및 기호 자판으로 변경됩니다."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>"이 키를 다시 터치하면 키보드가 표시됩니다."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>"자동 완성과 같은 키보드 설정을 변경하려면 이 키를 길게 누르세요."</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>"사용해 보세요."</b></string>
<string name="label_go_key">"이동"</string>
<string name="label_next_key">"다음"</string>
<string name="label_done_key">"완료"</string>
@ -36,18 +36,12 @@
<string name="auto_punctuate">"Automatische interpunctie"</string>
<!-- no translation found for auto_punctuate_summary (6589441565817502132) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes (5353213327680897927) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes_summary (3405028402510332373) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions (507074425254289133) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions_summary (1989672863935759654) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete (1103196318775486023) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete_summary (6113149638718274624) -->
<skip />
<string name="quick_fixes">"Snelle oplossingen"</string>
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">"Hiermee worden veelvoorkomende typefouten gecorrigeerd"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions">"Suggesties weergeven"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">"Voorgestelde woorden weergeven tijdens typen"</string>
<string name="auto_complete">"Auto-aanvullen"</string>
<string name="auto_complete_summary">"Met de spatiebalk en interpunctie wordt het gemarkeerde woord automatisch ingevoegd"</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
@ -75,22 +69,14 @@
<string name="tip_dismiss">"Druk op elk gewenst moment op de toets Terug ↶ om het toetsenbord te sluiten"</string>
<string name="tip_access_symbols">"Toegang tot cijfers en symbolen"</string>
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">"Blijf drukken op het meest linkse woord om het toe te voegen aan het woordenboek"</string>
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_continue (7869803257948414531) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_finish (7990196086480585789) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_keyboard (6821200275486950452) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_view_accents (5433158573693308501) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_symbols (7345139325622444880) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_close_symbols (5227724217206927185) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_launch_settings (8402961128983196128) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_start_typing (7213843601369174313) -->
<skip />
<string name="touch_to_continue">"Raak deze tip aan om door te gaan »"</string>
<string name="touch_to_finish">"Raak dit punt aan om deze tip te sluiten en te beginnen met typen."</string>
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>"Het toetsenbord wordt geopend wanneer u een tekstveld aanraakt"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>"Blijf een toets aanraken om diakritische tekens weer te geven"\n" (ø, ö, ô, ó, enzovoort)"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>"Schakel over naar cijfers en symbolen door deze toets aan te raken"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>"Ga terug naar letters door deze toets nogmaals aan te raken"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>"Blijf deze toets aanraken om toetsenbordinstellingen te wijzigen, zoals auto-aanvullen"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>"Probeer het zelf!"</b></string>
<string name="label_go_key">"Beginnen"</string>
<string name="label_next_key">"Volgende"</string>
<string name="label_done_key">"Gereed"</string>
@ -36,18 +36,12 @@
<string name="auto_punctuate">"Automatyczna interpunkcja"</string>
<!-- no translation found for auto_punctuate_summary (6589441565817502132) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes (5353213327680897927) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes_summary (3405028402510332373) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions (507074425254289133) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions_summary (1989672863935759654) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete (1103196318775486023) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete_summary (6113149638718274624) -->
<skip />
<string name="quick_fixes">"Szybkie poprawki"</string>
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">"Poprawia częste błędy wpisywania"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions">"Pokaż sugestie"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">"Wyświetl sugerowane słowa podczas wpisywania"</string>
<string name="auto_complete">"Autouzupełnianie"</string>
<string name="auto_complete_summary">"Spacja i znaki przestankowe automatycznie wstawiają wyróżnione słowo"</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
@ -75,22 +69,14 @@
<string name="tip_dismiss">"Naciśnij klawisz cofania ↶, aby zamknąć klawiaturę w dowolnym momencie"</string>
<string name="tip_access_symbols">"Przejdź do cyfr i symboli"</string>
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">"Naciśnij i przytrzymaj słowo po lewej stronie w celu dodania go do słownika"</string>
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_continue (7869803257948414531) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_finish (7990196086480585789) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_keyboard (6821200275486950452) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_view_accents (5433158573693308501) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_symbols (7345139325622444880) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_close_symbols (5227724217206927185) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_launch_settings (8402961128983196128) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_start_typing (7213843601369174313) -->
<skip />
<string name="touch_to_continue">"Dotknij tej podpowiedzi, aby kontynuować »"</string>
<string name="touch_to_finish">"Dotknij tutaj, aby zamknąć tę podpowiedź i zacząć pisać!"</string>
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>"Klawiatura jest otwierana po każdym dotknięciu pola tekstowego"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>"Dotknij i przytrzymaj klawisz, aby wyświetlić znaki akcentowane"\n"(ø, ö, ô, ó itd.)"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>"Przełącz na cyfry i symbole, dotykając tego klawisza"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>"Wróć do trybu liter, dotykając ponownie tego klawisza"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>"Dotknij i przytrzymaj ten klawisz, aby zmienić ustawienia klawiatury, takie jak autouzupełnianie"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>"Wypróbuj!"</b></string>
<string name="label_go_key">"Przejdź"</string>
<string name="label_next_key">"Dalej"</string>
<string name="label_done_key">"Gotowe"</string>
@ -36,18 +36,12 @@
<string name="auto_punctuate">"Автоматическая пунктуация"</string>
<!-- no translation found for auto_punctuate_summary (6589441565817502132) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes (5353213327680897927) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for quick_fixes_summary (3405028402510332373) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions (507074425254289133) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for show_suggestions_summary (1989672863935759654) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete (1103196318775486023) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for auto_complete_summary (6113149638718274624) -->
<skip />
<string name="quick_fixes">"Быстрое исправление"</string>
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">"Исправляет распространенные опечатки"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions">"Предлагать варианты"</string>
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">"Предлагать варианты во время ввода"</string>
<string name="auto_complete">"Автозавершение"</string>
<string name="auto_complete_summary">"При вводе пробела или знака препинания выделенное слово вставляется автоматически"</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
@ -75,22 +69,14 @@
<string name="tip_dismiss">"Нажмите клавишу \"Назад\" ↶, чтобы закрыть клавиатуру в любой момент"</string>
<string name="tip_access_symbols">"Открыть цифры и символы"</string>
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">"Нажмите и удерживайте слово слева, чтобы добавить его в словарь"</string>
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_continue (7869803257948414531) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for touch_to_finish (7990196086480585789) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_keyboard (6821200275486950452) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_view_accents (5433158573693308501) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_open_symbols (7345139325622444880) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_close_symbols (5227724217206927185) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_launch_settings (8402961128983196128) -->
<skip />
<!-- no translation found for tip_to_start_typing (7213843601369174313) -->
<skip />
<string name="touch_to_continue">"Чтобы продолжить, нажмите на эту подсказку »"</string>
<string name="touch_to_finish">"Нажмите здесь, чтобы закрыть подсказку и начать вводить текст."</string>
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>"Клавиатура появляется автоматически при касании текстового поля"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>"Нажмите и удерживайте клавишу, чтобы появились спецсимволы "\n"(ø, ö, ô, ó и т. п.)"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>"Чтобы перейти к вводу цифр и символов, нажмите на эту клавишу"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>"Чтобы вернуться к буквенной клавиатуре, снова нажмите на эту клавишу"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>"Чтобы сменить настройки клавиатуры (такие как автозавершение), нажмите и удерживайте эту клавишу"</b></string>
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>"Попробуйте!"</b></string>
<string name="label_go_key">"Перейти"</string>
<string name="label_next_key">"Далее"</string>
<string name="label_done_key">"Готово"</string>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user