diff --git a/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/keyboard/KeyboardSwitcher.java b/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/keyboard/KeyboardSwitcher.java
index 655838a50..5c2779213 100644
--- a/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/keyboard/KeyboardSwitcher.java
+++ b/java/src/com/android/inputmethod/keyboard/KeyboardSwitcher.java
@@ -168,7 +168,6 @@ public class KeyboardSwitcher implements KeyboardState.SwitchActions,
         final Keyboard oldKeyboard = mKeyboardView.getKeyboard();
-        updateShiftLockState(keyboard);
                 SettingsValues.isKeyPreviewPopupEnabled(mPrefs, mResources),
                 SettingsValues.getKeyPreviewPopupDismissDelay(mPrefs, mResources));
@@ -178,19 +177,6 @@ public class KeyboardSwitcher implements KeyboardState.SwitchActions,
-    private void updateShiftLockState(Keyboard keyboard) {
-        if (keyboard.mId.equals(mSymbolsShiftedKeyboardId)) {
-            // Symbol keyboard may have an ALT key that has a caps lock style indicator (a.k.a.
-            // sticky shift key). To show or dismiss the indicator, we need to call setShiftLocked()
-            // that takes care of the current keyboard having such ALT key or not.
-            keyboard.setShiftLocked(keyboard.hasShiftLockKey());
-        } else if (keyboard.mId.equals(mSymbolsKeyboardId)) {
-            // Symbol keyboard has an ALT key that has a caps lock style indicator. To disable the
-            // indicator, we need to call setShiftLocked(false).
-            keyboard.setShiftLocked(false);
-        }
-    }
     private LatinKeyboard getKeyboard(KeyboardId id) {
         final SoftReference<LatinKeyboard> ref = mKeyboardCache.get(id);
         LatinKeyboard keyboard = (ref == null) ? null : ref.get();
@@ -419,7 +405,13 @@ public class KeyboardSwitcher implements KeyboardState.SwitchActions,
     // Implements {@link KeyboardState.SwitchActions}.
     public void setSymbolsShiftedKeyboard() {
-        setKeyboard(getKeyboard(mSymbolsShiftedKeyboardId));
+        final Keyboard keyboard = getKeyboard(mSymbolsShiftedKeyboardId);
+        setKeyboard(keyboard);
+        // TODO: Remove this logic once we introduce initial keyboard shift state attribute.
+        // Symbol shift keyboard may have a shift key that has a caps lock style indicator (a.k.a.
+        // sticky shift key). To show or dismiss the indicator, we need to call setShiftLocked()
+        // that takes care of the current keyboard having such shift key or not.
+        keyboard.setShiftLocked(keyboard.hasShiftLockKey());
     public boolean isInMomentarySwitchState() {