Shorten update check interval to 12 hours instead of 48

This commit is contained in:
Aleksandras Kostarevas 2024-03-15 09:58:54 -05:00
parent e7955166d2
commit 91a8e7eb92

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@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ fun scheduleUpdateCheckingJob(context: Context) {
var jobInfoBuilder = JobInfo.Builder(JOB_ID, ComponentName(context,
.setPeriodic(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 2) // every two days
.setPeriodic(1000L * 60L * 60L * 12L) // every 12 hours
.setRequiredNetworkType(JobInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_UNMETERED) // on unmetered Wi-Fi
.setPersisted(true) // persist after reboots