diff --git a/native/jni/Android.mk b/native/jni/Android.mk
index acd230ff2..e14cf5a71 100644
--- a/native/jni/Android.mk
+++ b/native/jni/Android.mk
@@ -71,7 +71,9 @@ LATIN_IME_CORE_SRC_FILES := \
     suggest/core/policy/weighting.cpp \
     suggest/core/session/dic_traverse_session.cpp \
     $(addprefix suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/, \
+        dynamic_patricia_trie_node_reader.cpp \
         dynamic_patricia_trie_policy.cpp \
+        dynamic_patricia_trie_reading_utils.cpp \
         patricia_trie_policy.cpp \
         patricia_trie_reading_utils.cpp) \
     suggest/policyimpl/gesture/gesture_suggest_policy_factory.cpp \
diff --git a/native/jni/src/suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_node_reader.cpp b/native/jni/src/suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_node_reader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20cda91a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native/jni/src/suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_node_reader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_node_reader.h"
+#include "suggest/core/dictionary/binary_dictionary_info.h"
+#include "suggest/core/dictionary/binary_dictionary_terminal_attributes_reading_utils.h"
+#include "suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_reading_utils.h"
+namespace latinime {
+void DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader::fetchNodeInfoFromBufferAndProcessMovedNode(const int nodePos,
+        const int maxCodePointCount, int *const outCodePoints) {
+    const uint8_t *const dictRoot = mBinaryDictionaryInfo->getDictRoot();
+    int pos = nodePos;
+    mFlags = PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::getFlagsAndAdvancePosition(dictRoot, &pos);
+    mParentPos = DynamicPatriciaTrieReadingUtils::getParentPosAndAdvancePosition(dictRoot, &pos);
+    if (outCodePoints != 0) {
+        mCodePointCount = PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::getCharsAndAdvancePosition(
+                dictRoot, mFlags, maxCodePointCount, outCodePoints, &pos);
+    } else {
+        mCodePointCount = PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::skipCharacters(
+                dictRoot, mFlags, MAX_WORD_LENGTH, &pos);
+    }
+    if (isTerminal()) {
+        mProbability = PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::readProbabilityAndAdvancePosition(dictRoot, &pos);
+    } else {
+        mProbability = NOT_A_PROBABILITY;
+    }
+    if (hasChildren()) {
+        mChildrenPos = DynamicPatriciaTrieReadingUtils::readChildrenPositionAndAdvancePosition(
+                dictRoot, mFlags, &pos);
+    } else {
+        mChildrenPos = NOT_A_DICT_POS;
+    }
+    if (PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::hasShortcutTargets(mFlags)) {
+        mShortcutPos = pos;
+        BinaryDictionaryTerminalAttributesReadingUtils::skipShortcuts(mBinaryDictionaryInfo, &pos);
+    } else {
+        mShortcutPos = NOT_A_DICT_POS;
+    }
+    if (PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::hasBigrams(mFlags)) {
+        mBigramPos = pos;
+        BinaryDictionaryTerminalAttributesReadingUtils::skipExistingBigrams(
+                mBinaryDictionaryInfo, &pos);
+    } else {
+        mBigramPos = NOT_A_DICT_POS;
+    }
+    // Update siblingPos if needed.
+    if (mSiblingPos == NOT_A_VALID_WORD_POS) {
+        // Sibling position is the tail position of current node.
+        mSiblingPos = pos;
+    }
+    // Read destination node if the read node is a moved node.
+    if (DynamicPatriciaTrieReadingUtils::isMoved(mFlags)) {
+        // The destination position is stored at the same place as the parent position.
+        fetchNodeInfoFromBufferAndProcessMovedNode(mParentPos, maxCodePointCount, outCodePoints);
+    }
diff --git a/native/jni/src/suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_node_reader.h b/native/jni/src/suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_node_reader.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b668aab78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/native/jni/src/suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_node_reader.h
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2013, The Android Open Source Project
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "defines.h"
+#include "suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_reading_utils.h"
+#include "suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/patricia_trie_reading_utils.h"
+namespace latinime {
+class BinaryDictionaryInfo;
+ * This class is used for helping to read nodes of dynamic patricia trie. This class handles moved
+ * node and reads node attributes.
+ */
+class DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader {
+ public:
+    explicit DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader(const BinaryDictionaryInfo *const binaryDictionaryInfo)
+            : mBinaryDictionaryInfo(binaryDictionaryInfo), mNodePos(NOT_A_VALID_WORD_POS),
+              mFlags(0), mParentPos(NOT_A_DICT_POS), mCodePointCount(0),
+              mProbability(NOT_A_PROBABILITY), mChildrenPos(NOT_A_DICT_POS),
+              mShortcutPos(NOT_A_DICT_POS), mBigramPos(NOT_A_DICT_POS),
+              mSiblingPos(NOT_A_VALID_WORD_POS) {}
+    ~DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader() {}
+    // Reads node information from dictionary buffer and updates members with the information.
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE void fetchNodeInfoFromBuffer(const int nodePos) {
+        fetchNodeInfoFromBufferAndGetNodeCodePoints(mNodePos , 0 /* maxCodePointCount */,
+                0 /* outCodePoints */);
+    }
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE void fetchNodeInfoFromBufferAndGetNodeCodePoints(const int nodePos,
+            const int maxCodePointCount, int *const outCodePoints) {
+        mNodePos = nodePos;
+        mSiblingPos = NOT_A_VALID_WORD_POS;
+        fetchNodeInfoFromBufferAndProcessMovedNode(mNodePos, maxCodePointCount, outCodePoints);
+    }
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE int getNodePos() const {
+        return mNodePos;
+    }
+    // Flags
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE bool isDeleted() const {
+        return DynamicPatriciaTrieReadingUtils::isDeleted(mFlags);
+    }
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE bool hasChildren() const {
+        return PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::hasChildrenInFlags(mFlags);
+    }
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE bool isTerminal() const {
+        return PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::isTerminal(mFlags);
+    }
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE bool isBlacklisted() const {
+        return PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::isBlacklisted(mFlags);
+    }
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE bool isNotAWord() const {
+        return PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::isNotAWord(mFlags);
+    }
+    // Parent node position
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE int getParentPos() const {
+        return mParentPos;
+    }
+    // Number of code points
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE uint8_t getCodePointCount() const {
+        return mCodePointCount;
+    }
+    // Probability
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE int getProbability() const {
+        return mProbability;
+    }
+    // Children node group position
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE int getChildrenPos() const {
+        return mChildrenPos;
+    }
+    // Shortcutlist position
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE int getShortcutPos() const {
+        return mShortcutPos;
+    }
+    // Bigrams position
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE int getBigramsPos() const {
+        return mBigramPos;
+    }
+    // Sibling node position
+    AK_FORCE_INLINE int getSiblingNodePos() const {
+        return mSiblingPos;
+    }
+ private:
+    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader);
+    const BinaryDictionaryInfo *const mBinaryDictionaryInfo;
+    int mNodePos;
+    DynamicPatriciaTrieReadingUtils::NodeFlags mFlags;
+    int mParentPos;
+    uint8_t mCodePointCount;
+    int mProbability;
+    int mChildrenPos;
+    int mShortcutPos;
+    int mBigramPos;
+    int mSiblingPos;
+    void fetchNodeInfoFromBufferAndProcessMovedNode(const int nodePos, const int maxCodePointCount,
+            int *const outCodePoints);
+} // namespace latinime
diff --git a/native/jni/src/suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_policy.cpp b/native/jni/src/suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_policy.cpp
index c7314ecf1..17cbdde3a 100644
--- a/native/jni/src/suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_policy.cpp
+++ b/native/jni/src/suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_policy.cpp
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
 #include "suggest/core/dicnode/dic_node.h"
 #include "suggest/core/dicnode/dic_node_vector.h"
 #include "suggest/core/dictionary/binary_dictionary_info.h"
+#include "suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_node_reader.h"
+#include "suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/dynamic_patricia_trie_reading_utils.h"
+#include "suggest/policyimpl/dictionary/patricia_trie_reading_utils.h"
 namespace latinime {
@@ -28,7 +31,31 @@ const DynamicPatriciaTriePolicy DynamicPatriciaTriePolicy::sInstance;
 void DynamicPatriciaTriePolicy::createAndGetAllChildNodes(const DicNode *const dicNode,
         const BinaryDictionaryInfo *const binaryDictionaryInfo,
         const NodeFilter *const nodeFilter, DicNodeVector *const childDicNodes) const {
-    // TODO: Implement.
+    if (!dicNode->hasChildren()) {
+        return;
+    }
+    DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader nodeReader(binaryDictionaryInfo);
+    int mergedNodeCodePoints[MAX_WORD_LENGTH];
+    int nextPos = dicNode->getChildrenPos();
+    do {
+        const int childCount = PatriciaTrieReadingUtils::getGroupCountAndAdvancePosition(
+                binaryDictionaryInfo->getDictRoot(), &nextPos);
+        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
+            nodeReader.fetchNodeInfoFromBufferAndGetNodeCodePoints(nextPos, MAX_WORD_LENGTH,
+                    mergedNodeCodePoints);
+            if (!nodeReader.isDeleted() && !nodeFilter->isFilteredOut(mergedNodeCodePoints[0])) {
+                // Push child note when the node is not deleted and not filtered out.
+                childDicNodes->pushLeavingChild(dicNode, nodeReader.getNodePos(),
+                        nodeReader.getChildrenPos(), nodeReader.getProbability(),
+                        nodeReader.isTerminal(), nodeReader.hasChildren(),
+                        nodeReader.isBlacklisted() || nodeReader.isNotAWord(),
+                        nodeReader.getCodePointCount(), mergedNodeCodePoints);
+            }
+            nextPos = nodeReader.getSiblingNodePos();
+        }
+        nextPos = DynamicPatriciaTrieReadingUtils::getForwardLinkPosition(
+                binaryDictionaryInfo->getDictRoot(), nextPos);
+    } while(DynamicPatriciaTrieReadingUtils::isValidForwardLinkPosition(nextPos));
 int DynamicPatriciaTriePolicy::getCodePointsAndProbabilityAndReturnCodePointCount(
@@ -48,22 +75,34 @@ int DynamicPatriciaTriePolicy::getTerminalNodePositionOfWord(
 int DynamicPatriciaTriePolicy::getUnigramProbability(
         const BinaryDictionaryInfo *const binaryDictionaryInfo, const int nodePos) const {
-    // TODO: Implement.
-    return NOT_A_PROBABILITY;
+    DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader nodeReader(binaryDictionaryInfo);
+    nodeReader.fetchNodeInfoFromBuffer(nodePos);
+    if (nodeReader.isDeleted() || nodeReader.isBlacklisted() || nodeReader.isNotAWord()) {
+        return NOT_A_PROBABILITY;
+    }
+    return nodeReader.getProbability();
 int DynamicPatriciaTriePolicy::getShortcutPositionOfNode(
         const BinaryDictionaryInfo *const binaryDictionaryInfo,
         const int nodePos) const {
-    // TODO: Implement.
-    return NOT_A_DICT_POS;
+    DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader nodeReader(binaryDictionaryInfo);
+    nodeReader.fetchNodeInfoFromBuffer(nodePos);
+    if (nodeReader.isDeleted()) {
+        return NOT_A_DICT_POS;
+    }
+    return nodeReader.getShortcutPos();
 int DynamicPatriciaTriePolicy::getBigramsPositionOfNode(
         const BinaryDictionaryInfo *const binaryDictionaryInfo,
         const int nodePos) const {
-    // TODO: Implement.
-    return NOT_A_DICT_POS;
+    DynamicPatriciaTrieNodeReader nodeReader(binaryDictionaryInfo);
+    nodeReader.fetchNodeInfoFromBuffer(nodePos);
+    if (nodeReader.isDeleted()) {
+        return NOT_A_DICT_POS;
+    }
+    return nodeReader.getBigramsPos();
 } // namespace latinime