<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- /* ** ** Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ --> <merge xmlns:latin="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/com.android.inputmethod.latin" > <include latin:keyboardLayout="@xml/key_styles_common" /> <Row latin:keyWidth="10%p" > <!-- U+05E7: "ק" HEBREW LETTER QOF --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ק" latin:keyXPos="5%p" /> <!-- U+05E8: "ר" HEBREW LETTER RESH --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ר" /> <!-- U+05D0: "א" HEBREW LETTER ALEF --> <Key latin:keyLabel="א" /> <!-- U+05D8: "ט" HEBREW LETTER TET --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ט" /> <!-- U+05D5: "ו" HEBREW LETTER VAV --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ו" /> <!-- U+05DF: "ן" HEBREW LETTER FINAL NUN --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ן" /> <!-- U+05DD: "ם" HEBREW LETTER FINAL MEM --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ם" /> <!-- U+05E4: "פ" HEBREW LETTER PE --> <Key latin:keyLabel="פ" /> <Key latin:keyStyle="deleteKeyStyle" latin:keyWidth="fillRight" latin:visualInsetsLeft="1%p" /> </Row> <Row latin:keyWidth="10%p" > <!-- U+05E9: "ש" HEBREW LETTER SHIN --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ש" /> <!-- U+05D3: "ד" HEBREW LETTER DALET --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ד" /> <!-- U+05D2: "ג" HEBREW LETTER GIMEL U+05D2 U+05F3: "ג׳" HEBREW LETTER GIMEL + HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ג" latin:moreKeys="ג׳" /> <!-- U+05DB: "כ" HEBREW LETTER KAF --> <Key latin:keyLabel="כ" /> <!-- U+05E2: "ע" HEBREW LETTER AYIN --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ע" /> <!-- U+05D9: "י" HEBREW LETTER YOD U+05F2 U+05B7: "ײַ" HEBREW LIGATURE YIDDISH DOUBLE YOD + HEBREW POINT PATAH --> <Key latin:keyLabel="י" latin:moreKeys="ײַ" /> <!-- U+05D7: "ח" HEBREW LETTER HET U+05D7 U+05F3: "ח׳" HEBREW LETTER HET + HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ח" latin:moreKeys="ח׳" /> <!-- U+05DC: "ל" HEBREW LETTER LAMED --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ל" /> <!-- U+05DA: "ך" HEBREW LETTER FINAL KAF --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ך" /> <!-- U+05E3: "ף" HEBREW LETTER FINAL PE --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ף" latin:keyWidth="fillRight" /> </Row> <Row latin:keyWidth="10%p" > <!-- U+05D6: "ז" HEBREW LETTER ZAYIN U+05D6 U+05F3: "ז׳" HEBREW LETTER ZAYIN + HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ז" latin:moreKeys="ז׳" latin:keyXPos="5%p" /> <!-- U+05E1: "ס" HEBREW LETTER SAMEKH --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ס" /> <!-- U+05D1: "ב" HEBREW LETTER BET --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ב" /> <!-- U+05D4: "ה" HEBREW LETTER HE --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ה" /> <!-- U+05E0: "נ" HEBREW LETTER NUN --> <Key latin:keyLabel="נ" /> <!-- U+05DE: "מ" HEBREW LETTER MEM --> <Key latin:keyLabel="מ" /> <!-- U+05E6: "צ" HEBREW LETTER TSADI U+05E6 U+05F3: "צ׳" HEBREW LETTER TSADI + HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH --> <Key latin:keyLabel="צ" latin:moreKeys="צ׳" /> <!-- U+05EA: "ת" HEBREW LETTER TAV U+05EA U+05F3: "ת׳" HEBREW LETTER TAV + HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ת" latin:moreKeys="ת׳" /> <!-- U+05E5: "ץ" HEBREW LETTER FINAL TSADI U+05E5 U+05F3: "ץ׳" HEBREW LETTER FINAL TSADI + HEBREW PUNCTUATION GERESH --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ץ" latin:moreKeys="ץ׳" /> <!-- Here is 5%p space --> </Row> <include latin:keyboardLayout="@xml/row_qwerty4" /> </merge>