<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- /* ** ** Copyright 2011, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ --> <merge xmlns:latin="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/com.android.inputmethod.latin" > <include latin:keyboardLayout="@xml/kbd_key_styles" /> <Row latin:keyWidth="8.0%p" > <Key latin:keyLabel="ض" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ص" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ث" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ق" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ف" latin:popupCharacters="ڤ" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="غ" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ع" /> <!-- \ufeeb: ARABIC LETTER HEH INITIAL FORM \u0647\u0640: ARABIC LETTER HEH + ARABIC TATWEEL --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ه" latin:popupCharacters="\ufeeb|\u0647\u0640" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="خ" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ح" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ج" latin:popupCharacters="چ" /> <Key latin:keyStyle="deleteKeyStyle" latin:keyXPos="-10.0%p" latin:keyWidth="fillBoth" /> </Row> <Row latin:keyWidth="8.0%p" > <Key latin:keyLabel="ش" latin:keyXPos="3.0%p" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="س" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ي" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ب" latin:popupCharacters="پ" /> <!-- \ufefb: ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF ISOLATED FORM \u0644: ARABIC LETTER LAM \u0627: ARABIC LETTER ALEF \ufef7: ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE ISOLATED FORM \u0623: ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE \ufef9: ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW ISOLATED FORM \u0625: ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW \ufef5: ARABIC LIGATURE LAM WITH ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE ISOLATED FORM \u0622: ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ل" latin:popupCharacters="\ufefb|\u0644\u0627,\ufef7|\u0644\u0623,\ufef9|\u0644\u0625,\ufef5|\u0644\u0622" /> <!-- \u0623: ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA ABOVE \u0625: ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH HAMZA BELOW \u0622: ARABIC LETTER ALEF WITH MADDA ABOVE --> <Key latin:keyLabel="ا" latin:popupCharacters="\u0623,\u0625,\u0622" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ت" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ن" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="م" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ك" latin:popupCharacters="گ" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ط" /> <Key latin:keyStyle="returnKeyStyle" latin:keyXPos="-14.6%p" latin:keyWidth="fillBoth" /> </Row> <Row latin:keyWidth="8.0%p" > <!-- kbd_row3_smiley --> <switch> <case latin:mode="email" > <Key latin:keyLabel="\@" /> </case> <case latin:mode="url" > <Key latin:keyLabel="-" latin:keyLabelOption="hasUppercaseLetter" latin:keyHintLabel="_" latin:popupCharacters="_" /> </case> <case latin:imeAction="actionSearch" > <Key latin:keyLabel=":" latin:keyLabelOption="hasUppercaseLetter" latin:keyHintLabel="+" latin:popupCharacters="+" /> </case> <default> <Key latin:keyStyle="smileyKeyStyle" /> </default> </switch> <Key latin:keyLabel="ئ" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ء" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ؤ" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ر" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ذ" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ى" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ة" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="و" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ز" latin:popupCharacters="ژ" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="ظ" /> <Key latin:keyLabel="د" /> </Row> <include latin:keyboardLayout="@xml/kbd_qwerty_row4" /> </merge>