/* * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.android.inputmethod.latin; import android.content.Context; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.util.Log; import android.view.InflateException; import android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo; import android.view.inputmethod.InputMethodManager; import java.lang.ref.SoftReference; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Locale; public class KeyboardSwitcher implements SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener { private static final String TAG = "KeyboardSwitcher"; private static final boolean DEBUG = false; public static final boolean DEBUG_STATE = false; public static final int MODE_TEXT = 0; public static final int MODE_URL = 1; public static final int MODE_EMAIL = 2; public static final int MODE_IM = 3; public static final int MODE_WEB = 4; public static final int MODE_PHONE = 5; public static final int MODE_NUMBER = 6; // Changing DEFAULT_LAYOUT_ID also requires prefs_for_debug.xml to be matched with. public static final String DEFAULT_LAYOUT_ID = "5"; public static final String PREF_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT = "pref_keyboard_layout_20100902"; private static final int[] THEMES = new int [] { R.layout.input_basic, R.layout.input_basic_highcontrast, R.layout.input_stone_normal, R.layout.input_stone_bold, R.layout.input_gingerbread, R.layout.input_honeycomb, // DEFAULT_LAYOUT_ID }; private static final int SYMBOLS_MODE_STATE_NONE = 0; private static final int SYMBOLS_MODE_STATE_BEGIN = 1; private static final int SYMBOLS_MODE_STATE_SYMBOL = 2; private SubtypeSwitcher mSubtypeSwitcher; private SharedPreferences mPrefs; private LatinKeyboardView mInputView; private LatinIME mInputMethodService; private ShiftKeyState mShiftKeyState = new ShiftKeyState("Shift"); private ModifierKeyState mSymbolKeyState = new ModifierKeyState("Symbol"); private KeyboardId mSymbolsId; private KeyboardId mSymbolsShiftedId; private KeyboardId mCurrentId; private final HashMap> mKeyboardCache = new HashMap>(); private int mMode = MODE_TEXT; /* default value */ private int mImeOptions; private boolean mIsSymbols; /** mIsAutoCompletionActive indicates that auto completed word will be input instead of * what user actually typed. */ private boolean mIsAutoCompletionActive; private boolean mVoiceKeyEnabled; private boolean mVoiceButtonOnPrimary; private int mSymbolsModeState = SYMBOLS_MODE_STATE_NONE; // Indicates whether or not we have the settings key private boolean mHasSettingsKey; private static final int SETTINGS_KEY_MODE_AUTO = R.string.settings_key_mode_auto; private static final int SETTINGS_KEY_MODE_ALWAYS_SHOW = R.string.settings_key_mode_always_show; // NOTE: No need to have SETTINGS_KEY_MODE_ALWAYS_HIDE here because it's not being referred to // in the source code now. // Default is SETTINGS_KEY_MODE_AUTO. private static final int DEFAULT_SETTINGS_KEY_MODE = SETTINGS_KEY_MODE_AUTO; private int mLayoutId; private static final KeyboardSwitcher sInstance = new KeyboardSwitcher(); public static KeyboardSwitcher getInstance() { return sInstance; } private KeyboardSwitcher() { } public static void init(LatinIME ims, SharedPreferences prefs) { sInstance.mInputMethodService = ims; sInstance.mPrefs = prefs; sInstance.mSubtypeSwitcher = SubtypeSwitcher.getInstance(); sInstance.mLayoutId = Integer.valueOf( prefs.getString(PREF_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT, DEFAULT_LAYOUT_ID)); prefs.registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener(sInstance); } private void makeSymbolsKeyboardIds() { final Locale locale = mSubtypeSwitcher.getInputLocale(); final int orientation = mInputMethodService.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation; final int mode = mMode; final int colorScheme = getColorScheme(); final boolean hasSettingsKey = mHasSettingsKey; final boolean voiceKeyEnabled = mVoiceKeyEnabled; final boolean hasVoiceKey = voiceKeyEnabled && !mVoiceButtonOnPrimary; final int imeOptions = mImeOptions; // Note: This comment is only applied for phone number keyboard layout. // On non-xlarge device, "@integer/key_switch_alpha_symbol" key code is used to switch // between "phone keyboard" and "phone symbols keyboard". But on xlarge device, // "@integer/key_shift" key code is used for that purpose in order to properly display // "more" and "locked more" key labels. To achieve these behavior, we should initialize // mSymbolsId and mSymbolsShiftedId to "phone keyboard" and "phone symbols keyboard" // respectively here for xlarge device's layout switching. mSymbolsId = new KeyboardId(locale, orientation, mode, mode == MODE_PHONE ? R.xml.kbd_phone : R.xml.kbd_symbols, colorScheme, hasSettingsKey, voiceKeyEnabled, hasVoiceKey, imeOptions, true); mSymbolsShiftedId = new KeyboardId(locale, orientation, mode, mode == MODE_PHONE ? R.xml.kbd_phone_symbols : R.xml.kbd_symbols_shift, colorScheme, hasSettingsKey, voiceKeyEnabled, hasVoiceKey, imeOptions, true); } /** * Represents the parameters necessary to construct a new LatinKeyboard, * which also serve as a unique identifier for each keyboard type. */ public static class KeyboardId { public final Locale mLocale; public final int mOrientation; public final int mMode; public final int mXmlId; public final int mColorScheme; public final boolean mHasSettingsKey; public final boolean mVoiceKeyEnabled; public final boolean mHasVoiceKey; public final int mImeOptions; public final boolean mEnableShiftLock; private final int mHashCode; public KeyboardId(Locale locale, int orientation, int mode, int xmlId, int colorScheme, boolean hasSettingsKey, boolean voiceKeyEnabled, boolean hasVoiceKey, int imeOptions, boolean enableShiftLock) { this.mLocale = locale; this.mOrientation = orientation; this.mMode = mode; this.mXmlId = xmlId; this.mColorScheme = colorScheme; this.mHasSettingsKey = hasSettingsKey; this.mVoiceKeyEnabled = voiceKeyEnabled; this.mHasVoiceKey = hasVoiceKey; // We are interested only in IME_MASK_ACTION enum value and IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION. this.mImeOptions = imeOptions & (EditorInfo.IME_MASK_ACTION | EditorInfo.IME_FLAG_NO_ENTER_ACTION); this.mEnableShiftLock = enableShiftLock; this.mHashCode = Arrays.hashCode(new Object[] { locale, orientation, mode, xmlId, colorScheme, hasSettingsKey, voiceKeyEnabled, hasVoiceKey, imeOptions, enableShiftLock, }); } public int getXmlId() { return mXmlId; } public boolean isAlphabetMode() { return mXmlId == R.xml.kbd_qwerty; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return other instanceof KeyboardId && equals((KeyboardId) other); } private boolean equals(KeyboardId other) { return other.mLocale.equals(this.mLocale) && other.mOrientation == this.mOrientation && other.mMode == this.mMode && other.mXmlId == this.mXmlId && other.mColorScheme == this.mColorScheme && other.mHasSettingsKey == this.mHasSettingsKey && other.mVoiceKeyEnabled == this.mVoiceKeyEnabled && other.mHasVoiceKey == this.mHasVoiceKey && other.mImeOptions == this.mImeOptions && other.mEnableShiftLock == this.mEnableShiftLock; } @Override public int hashCode() { return mHashCode; } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("[%s %s %5s imeOptions=0x%08x xml=0x%08x %s%s%s%s%s]", mLocale, (mOrientation == 1 ? "port" : "land"), modeName(mMode), mImeOptions, mXmlId, colorSchemeName(mColorScheme), (mHasSettingsKey ? " hasSettingsKey" : ""), (mVoiceKeyEnabled ? " voiceKeyEnabled" : ""), (mHasVoiceKey ? " hasVoiceKey" : ""), (mEnableShiftLock ? " enableShiftLock" : "")); } private static String modeName(int mode) { switch (mode) { case MODE_TEXT: return "text"; case MODE_URL: return "url"; case MODE_EMAIL: return "email"; case MODE_IM: return "im"; case MODE_WEB: return "web"; case MODE_PHONE: return "phone"; case MODE_NUMBER: return "number"; } return null; } private static String colorSchemeName(int colorScheme) { switch (colorScheme) { case BaseKeyboardView.COLOR_SCHEME_WHITE: return "white"; case BaseKeyboardView.COLOR_SCHEME_BLACK: return "black"; } return null; } } private boolean hasVoiceKey(boolean isSymbols) { return mVoiceKeyEnabled && (isSymbols != mVoiceButtonOnPrimary); } public void loadKeyboard(int mode, int imeOptions, boolean voiceKeyEnabled, boolean voiceButtonOnPrimary) { mSymbolsModeState = SYMBOLS_MODE_STATE_NONE; try { loadKeyboardInternal(mode, imeOptions, voiceKeyEnabled, voiceButtonOnPrimary, false); } catch (RuntimeException e) { Log.w(TAG, e); LatinImeLogger.logOnException(mode + "," + imeOptions, e); } } private void loadKeyboardInternal(int mode, int imeOptions, boolean voiceButtonEnabled, boolean voiceButtonOnPrimary, boolean isSymbols) { if (mInputView == null) return; mInputView.setPreviewEnabled(mInputMethodService.getPopupOn()); mMode = mode; mImeOptions = imeOptions; mVoiceKeyEnabled = voiceButtonEnabled; mVoiceButtonOnPrimary = voiceButtonOnPrimary; mIsSymbols = isSymbols; // Update the settings key state because number of enabled IMEs could have been changed mHasSettingsKey = getSettingsKeyMode(mPrefs, mInputMethodService); makeSymbolsKeyboardIds(); KeyboardId id = getKeyboardId(mode, imeOptions, isSymbols); LatinKeyboard keyboard = getKeyboard(id); mCurrentId = id; mInputView.setKeyboard(keyboard); } private LatinKeyboard getKeyboard(KeyboardId id) { final SoftReference ref = mKeyboardCache.get(id); LatinKeyboard keyboard = (ref == null) ? null : ref.get(); if (keyboard == null) { final Resources res = mInputMethodService.getResources(); final Locale savedLocale = mSubtypeSwitcher.changeSystemLocale( mSubtypeSwitcher.getInputLocale()); keyboard = new LatinKeyboard(mInputMethodService, id); if (id.mEnableShiftLock) { keyboard.enableShiftLock(); } mKeyboardCache.put(id, new SoftReference(keyboard)); if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "keyboard cache size=" + mKeyboardCache.size() + ": " + ((ref == null) ? "LOAD" : "GCed") + " id=" + id); mSubtypeSwitcher.changeSystemLocale(savedLocale); } else if (DEBUG) { Log.d(TAG, "keyboard cache size=" + mKeyboardCache.size() + ": HIT id=" + id); } keyboard.onAutoCompletionStateChanged(mIsAutoCompletionActive); keyboard.setShifted(false); return keyboard; } private KeyboardId getKeyboardId(int mode, int imeOptions, boolean isSymbols) { final boolean hasVoiceKey = hasVoiceKey(isSymbols); final int charColorId = getColorScheme(); final int xmlId; final boolean enableShiftLock; if (isSymbols) { if (mode == MODE_PHONE) { xmlId = R.xml.kbd_phone_symbols; } else if (mode == MODE_NUMBER) { // Note: MODE_NUMBER keyboard layout has no "switch alpha symbol" key. xmlId = R.xml.kbd_number; } else { xmlId = R.xml.kbd_symbols; } enableShiftLock = false; } else { if (mode == MODE_PHONE) { xmlId = R.xml.kbd_phone; enableShiftLock = false; } else if (mode == MODE_NUMBER) { xmlId = R.xml.kbd_number; enableShiftLock = false; } else { xmlId = R.xml.kbd_qwerty; enableShiftLock = true; } } final int orientation = mInputMethodService.getResources().getConfiguration().orientation; final Locale locale = mSubtypeSwitcher.getInputLocale(); return new KeyboardId(locale, orientation, mode, xmlId, charColorId, mHasSettingsKey, mVoiceKeyEnabled, hasVoiceKey, imeOptions, enableShiftLock); } public int getKeyboardMode() { return mMode; } public boolean isAlphabetMode() { return mCurrentId != null && mCurrentId.isAlphabetMode(); } public boolean isInputViewShown() { return mInputView != null && mInputView.isShown(); } public boolean isKeyboardAvailable() { if (mInputView != null) return mInputView.getLatinKeyboard() != null; return false; } private LatinKeyboard getLatinKeyboard() { if (mInputView != null) return mInputView.getLatinKeyboard(); return null; } public void setPreferredLetters(int[] frequencies) { LatinKeyboard latinKeyboard = getLatinKeyboard(); if (latinKeyboard != null) latinKeyboard.setPreferredLetters(frequencies); } public void keyReleased() { LatinKeyboard latinKeyboard = getLatinKeyboard(); if (latinKeyboard != null) latinKeyboard.keyReleased(); } public boolean isShiftedOrShiftLocked() { LatinKeyboard latinKeyboard = getLatinKeyboard(); if (latinKeyboard != null) return latinKeyboard.isShiftedOrShiftLocked(); return false; } public boolean isShiftLocked() { LatinKeyboard latinKeyboard = getLatinKeyboard(); if (latinKeyboard != null) return latinKeyboard.isShiftLocked(); return false; } public boolean isAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase() { LatinKeyboard latinKeyboard = getLatinKeyboard(); if (latinKeyboard != null) return latinKeyboard.isAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase(); return false; } public boolean isManualTemporaryUpperCase() { LatinKeyboard latinKeyboard = getLatinKeyboard(); if (latinKeyboard != null) return latinKeyboard.isManualTemporaryUpperCase(); return false; } private void setManualTemporaryUpperCase(boolean shifted) { LatinKeyboard latinKeyboard = getLatinKeyboard(); if (latinKeyboard != null) { // On non-distinct multi touch panel device, we should also turn off the shift locked // state when shift key is pressed to go to normal mode. // On the other hand, on distinct multi touch panel device, turning off the shift locked // state with shift key pressing is handled by onReleaseShift(). if (!hasDistinctMultitouch() && !shifted && latinKeyboard.isShiftLocked()) { latinKeyboard.setShiftLocked(false); } if (latinKeyboard.setShifted(shifted)) { mInputView.invalidateAllKeys(); } } } private void setShiftLocked(boolean shiftLocked) { LatinKeyboard latinKeyboard = getLatinKeyboard(); if (latinKeyboard != null && latinKeyboard.setShiftLocked(shiftLocked)) { mInputView.invalidateAllKeys(); } } /** * Toggle keyboard shift state triggered by user touch event. */ public void toggleShift() { mInputMethodService.mHandler.cancelUpdateShiftState(); if (DEBUG_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "toggleShift:" + " keyboard=" + getLatinKeyboard().getKeyboardShiftState() + " shiftKeyState=" + mShiftKeyState); if (isAlphabetMode()) { setManualTemporaryUpperCase(!isShiftedOrShiftLocked()); } else { toggleShiftInSymbol(); } } public void toggleCapsLock() { mInputMethodService.mHandler.cancelUpdateShiftState(); if (DEBUG_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "toggleCapsLock:" + " keyboard=" + getLatinKeyboard().getKeyboardShiftState() + " shiftKeyState=" + mShiftKeyState); if (isAlphabetMode()) { if (isShiftLocked()) { // Shift key is long pressed while caps lock state, we will toggle back to normal // state. And mark as if shift key is released. setShiftLocked(false); mShiftKeyState.onRelease(); } else { setShiftLocked(true); } } } private void setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase() { LatinKeyboard latinKeyboard = getLatinKeyboard(); if (latinKeyboard != null) { latinKeyboard.setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase(); mInputView.invalidateAllKeys(); } } /** * Update keyboard shift state triggered by connected EditText status change. */ public void updateShiftState() { final ShiftKeyState shiftKeyState = mShiftKeyState; if (DEBUG_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "updateShiftState:" + " autoCaps=" + mInputMethodService.getCurrentAutoCapsState() + " keyboard=" + getLatinKeyboard().getKeyboardShiftState() + " shiftKeyState=" + shiftKeyState); if (isAlphabetMode()) { if (!isShiftLocked() && !shiftKeyState.isIgnoring()) { if (shiftKeyState.isReleasing() && mInputMethodService.getCurrentAutoCapsState()) { // Only when shift key is releasing, automatic temporary upper case will be set. setAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase(); } else { setManualTemporaryUpperCase(shiftKeyState.isMomentary()); } } } else { // In symbol keyboard mode, we should clear shift key state because only alphabet // keyboard has shift key. shiftKeyState.onRelease(); } } public void changeKeyboardMode() { if (DEBUG_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "changeKeyboardMode:" + " keyboard=" + getLatinKeyboard().getKeyboardShiftState() + " shiftKeyState=" + mShiftKeyState); toggleKeyboardMode(); if (isShiftLocked() && isAlphabetMode()) setShiftLocked(true); updateShiftState(); } public void onPressShift() { if (!isKeyboardAvailable()) return; ShiftKeyState shiftKeyState = mShiftKeyState; if (DEBUG_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "onPressShift:" + " keyboard=" + getLatinKeyboard().getKeyboardShiftState() + " shiftKeyState=" + shiftKeyState); if (isAlphabetMode()) { if (isShiftLocked()) { // Shift key is pressed while caps lock state, we will treat this state as shifted // caps lock state and mark as if shift key pressed while normal state. shiftKeyState.onPress(); setManualTemporaryUpperCase(true); } else if (isAutomaticTemporaryUpperCase()) { // Shift key is pressed while automatic temporary upper case, we have to move to // manual temporary upper case. shiftKeyState.onPress(); setManualTemporaryUpperCase(true); } else if (isShiftedOrShiftLocked()) { // In manual upper case state, we just record shift key has been pressing while // shifted state. shiftKeyState.onPressOnShifted(); } else { // In base layout, chording or manual temporary upper case mode is started. shiftKeyState.onPress(); toggleShift(); } } else { // In symbol mode, just toggle symbol and symbol more keyboard. shiftKeyState.onPress(); toggleShift(); } } public void onReleaseShift() { if (!isKeyboardAvailable()) return; ShiftKeyState shiftKeyState = mShiftKeyState; if (DEBUG_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "onReleaseShift:" + " keyboard=" + getLatinKeyboard().getKeyboardShiftState() + " shiftKeyState=" + shiftKeyState); if (isAlphabetMode()) { if (shiftKeyState.isMomentary()) { // After chording input while normal state. toggleShift(); } else if (isShiftLocked() && !shiftKeyState.isIgnoring()) { // Shift has been pressed without chording while caps lock state. toggleCapsLock(); } else if (isShiftedOrShiftLocked() && shiftKeyState.isPressingOnShifted()) { // Shift has been pressed without chording while shifted state. toggleShift(); } } shiftKeyState.onRelease(); } public void onPressSymbol() { if (DEBUG_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "onReleaseShift:" + " keyboard=" + getLatinKeyboard().getKeyboardShiftState() + " symbolKeyState=" + mSymbolKeyState); changeKeyboardMode(); mSymbolKeyState.onPress(); } public void onReleaseSymbol() { if (DEBUG_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "onReleaseShift:" + " keyboard=" + getLatinKeyboard().getKeyboardShiftState() + " symbolKeyState=" + mSymbolKeyState); if (mSymbolKeyState.isMomentary()) changeKeyboardMode(); mSymbolKeyState.onRelease(); } public void onOtherKeyPressed() { if (DEBUG_STATE) Log.d(TAG, "onOtherKeyPressed:" + " keyboard=" + getLatinKeyboard().getKeyboardShiftState() + " shiftKeyState=" + mShiftKeyState + " symbolKeyState=" + mSymbolKeyState); mShiftKeyState.onOtherKeyPressed(); mSymbolKeyState.onOtherKeyPressed(); } private void toggleShiftInSymbol() { if (isAlphabetMode()) return; final LatinKeyboard keyboard; if (mCurrentId.equals(mSymbolsId) || !mCurrentId.equals(mSymbolsShiftedId)) { mCurrentId = mSymbolsShiftedId; keyboard = getKeyboard(mCurrentId); // Symbol shifted keyboard has an ALT key that has a caps lock style indicator. To // enable the indicator, we need to call enableShiftLock() and setShiftLocked(true). // Thus we can keep the ALT key's Key.on value true while LatinKey.onRelease() is // called. keyboard.setShiftLocked(true); } else { mCurrentId = mSymbolsId; keyboard = getKeyboard(mCurrentId); // Symbol keyboard has an ALT key that has a caps lock style indicator. To disable the // indicator, we need to call enableShiftLock() and setShiftLocked(false). keyboard.setShifted(false); } mInputView.setKeyboard(keyboard); } private void toggleKeyboardMode() { loadKeyboardInternal(mMode, mImeOptions, mVoiceKeyEnabled, mVoiceButtonOnPrimary, !mIsSymbols); if (mIsSymbols) { mSymbolsModeState = SYMBOLS_MODE_STATE_BEGIN; } else { mSymbolsModeState = SYMBOLS_MODE_STATE_NONE; } } public boolean hasDistinctMultitouch() { return mInputView != null && mInputView.hasDistinctMultitouch(); } /** * Updates state machine to figure out when to automatically switch back to alpha mode. */ public void onKey(int key) { // Switch back to alpha mode if user types one or more non-space/enter // characters followed by a space/enter switch (mSymbolsModeState) { case SYMBOLS_MODE_STATE_BEGIN: if (key != LatinIME.KEYCODE_SPACE && key != LatinIME.KEYCODE_ENTER && key > 0) { mSymbolsModeState = SYMBOLS_MODE_STATE_SYMBOL; } break; case SYMBOLS_MODE_STATE_SYMBOL: if (key == LatinIME.KEYCODE_ENTER || key == LatinIME.KEYCODE_SPACE) { changeKeyboardMode(); } break; } } public LatinKeyboardView getInputView() { return mInputView; } public void loadKeyboardView() { loadKeyboardViewInternal(mLayoutId, true); } private void loadKeyboardViewInternal(int newLayout, boolean forceReset) { if (mLayoutId != newLayout || mInputView == null || forceReset) { if (mInputView != null) { mInputView.closing(); } if (THEMES.length <= newLayout) { newLayout = Integer.valueOf(DEFAULT_LAYOUT_ID); } LatinIMEUtil.GCUtils.getInstance().reset(); boolean tryGC = true; for (int i = 0; i < LatinIMEUtil.GCUtils.GC_TRY_LOOP_MAX && tryGC; ++i) { try { mInputView = (LatinKeyboardView) mInputMethodService.getLayoutInflater( ).inflate(THEMES[newLayout], null); tryGC = false; } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { Log.w(TAG, "load keyboard failed: " + e); tryGC = LatinIMEUtil.GCUtils.getInstance().tryGCOrWait( mLayoutId + "," + newLayout, e); } catch (InflateException e) { Log.w(TAG, "load keyboard failed: " + e); tryGC = LatinIMEUtil.GCUtils.getInstance().tryGCOrWait( mLayoutId + "," + newLayout, e); } } mInputView.setOnKeyboardActionListener(mInputMethodService); mLayoutId = newLayout; } // TODO: Not to post if this function was called from loadKeyboardView mInputMethodService.mHandler.post(new Runnable() { public void run() { if (mInputView != null) { mInputMethodService.setInputView(mInputView); } mInputMethodService.updateInputViewShown(); }}); } public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) { if (PREF_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT.equals(key)) { final int layoutId = Integer.valueOf( sharedPreferences.getString(key, DEFAULT_LAYOUT_ID)); loadKeyboardViewInternal(layoutId, false); } else if (LatinIMESettings.PREF_SETTINGS_KEY.equals(key)) { mHasSettingsKey = getSettingsKeyMode(sharedPreferences, mInputMethodService); loadKeyboardViewInternal(mLayoutId, true); } } private int getColorScheme() { return (mInputView != null) ? mInputView.getColorScheme() : BaseKeyboardView.COLOR_SCHEME_WHITE; } public void onAutoCompletionStateChanged(boolean isAutoCompletion) { if (isAutoCompletion != mIsAutoCompletionActive) { LatinKeyboardView keyboardView = getInputView(); mIsAutoCompletionActive = isAutoCompletion; keyboardView.invalidateKey(((LatinKeyboard) keyboardView.getKeyboard()) .onAutoCompletionStateChanged(isAutoCompletion)); } } private static boolean getSettingsKeyMode(SharedPreferences prefs, Context context) { Resources resources = context.getResources(); final boolean showSettingsKeyOption = resources.getBoolean( R.bool.config_enable_show_settings_key_option); if (showSettingsKeyOption) { final String settingsKeyMode = prefs.getString(LatinIMESettings.PREF_SETTINGS_KEY, resources.getString(DEFAULT_SETTINGS_KEY_MODE)); // We show the settings key when 1) SETTINGS_KEY_MODE_ALWAYS_SHOW or // 2) SETTINGS_KEY_MODE_AUTO and there are two or more enabled IMEs on the system if (settingsKeyMode.equals(resources.getString(SETTINGS_KEY_MODE_ALWAYS_SHOW)) || (settingsKeyMode.equals(resources.getString(SETTINGS_KEY_MODE_AUTO)) && LatinIMEUtil.hasMultipleEnabledIMEsOrSubtypes( ((InputMethodManager) context.getSystemService( Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE))))) { return true; } } return false; } }