<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- /* ** ** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project ** ** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ** You may obtain a copy of the License at ** ** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ** ** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ** limitations under the License. */ --> <resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"> <!-- Title for Latin keyboard --> <string name="english_ime_name">Android keyboard</string> <!-- Title for Latin keyboard settings activity / dialog --> <string name="english_ime_settings">Android keyboard settings</string> <!-- Option to provide vibrate/haptic feedback on keypress --> <string name="vibrate_on_keypress">Vibrate on keypress</string> <!-- Option to play back sound on keypress in soft keyboard --> <string name="sound_on_keypress">Sound on keypress</string> <!-- Option to control whether or not to show a popup with a larger font on each key press. --> <string name="popup_on_keypress">Popup on keypress</string> <!-- Option to enable using nearby keys when correcting/predicting --> <string name="hit_correction">Correct typing errors</string> <!-- Description for hit_correction --> <string name="hit_correction_summary">Enable input error correction</string> <!-- Option to enable using nearby keys when correcting/predicting in landscape--> <string name="hit_correction_land">Landscape input errors</string> <!-- Description for hit_correction in landscape --> <string name="hit_correction_land_summary">Enable input error correction</string> <!-- Option to automatically correct word on hitting space --> <string name="auto_correction">Word suggestions</string> <!-- Description for auto_correction --> <string name="auto_correction_summary">Automatically correct the previous word</string> <!-- Option to enable text prediction --> <string name="prediction">Word suggestions</string> <!-- Category title for text prediction --> <string name="prediction_category">Word suggestion settings</string> <!-- Description for text prediction --> <string name="prediction_summary">Enable auto completion while typing</string> <!-- Dialog title for auto complete choices --> <string name="auto_complete_dialog_title">Auto completion</string> <!-- Option to enable text prediction in landscape --> <string name="prediction_landscape">Increase text field size</string> <!-- Description for text prediction --> <string name="prediction_landscape_summary">Hide word suggestions in landscape view</string> <!-- Option to enable auto capitalization of sentences --> <string name="auto_cap">Auto-capitalization</string> <!-- Description for auto cap --> <string name="auto_cap_summary">Capitalize the start of a sentence</string> <!-- Option to enable auto punctuate --> <string name="auto_punctuate">Auto-punctuate</string> <!-- Description for auto punctuate --> <string name="auto_punctuate_summary"></string> <!-- Option to enable quick fixes --> <string name="quick_fixes">Quick fixes</string> <!-- Description for quick fixes --> <string name="quick_fixes_summary">Corrects commonly typed mistakes</string> <!-- Option to enable showing suggestions --> <string name="show_suggestions">Show suggestions</string> <!-- Description for show suggestions --> <string name="show_suggestions_summary">Display suggested words while typing</string> <!-- Option to enable auto completion --> <string name="auto_complete">Auto-complete</string> <!-- Description for auto completion --> <string name="auto_complete_summary">Spacebar and punctuation automatically insert highlighted word</string> <!-- Option to enable bigram completion --> <string name="bigram_suggestion">Bigram Suggestions</string> <!-- Description for auto completion --> <string name="bigram_suggestion_summary">Use previous word to improve suggestion</string> <!-- Array of prediction modes --> <string-array name="prediction_modes"> <item>None</item> <item>Basic</item> <item>Advanced</item> </string-array> <!-- Don't translate --> <string name="prediction_none" translatable="false">0</string> <!-- Don't translate --> <string name="prediction_basic" translatable="false">1</string> <!-- Don't translate --> <string name="prediction_full" translatable="false">2</string> <string-array name="prediction_modes_values" translatable="false"> <item>@string/prediction_none</item> <item>@string/prediction_basic</item> <item>@string/prediction_full</item> </string-array> <!-- Indicates that a word has been added to the dictionary --> <string name="added_word"><xliff:g id="word">%s</xliff:g> : Saved</string> <!-- Accented forms of "a" --> <string name="alternates_for_a">àáâãäåæ</string> <!-- Accented forms of "e" --> <string name="alternates_for_e">èéêë</string> <!-- Accented forms of "i" --> <string name="alternates_for_i">ìíîï</string> <!-- Accented forms of "o" --> <string name="alternates_for_o">òóôõöœø</string> <!-- Accented forms of "u" --> <string name="alternates_for_u">ùúûü</string> <!-- Letters associated with "s" --> <string name="alternates_for_s">§ß</string> <!-- Accented forms of "n" --> <string name="alternates_for_n">ñ</string> <!-- Accented forms of "c" --> <string name="alternates_for_c">ç</string> <!-- Accented forms of "y" --> <string name="alternates_for_y">ýÿ</string> <!-- Tip to long press on keys --> <string name="tip_long_press">Hold a key down to see accents (ø, ö, etc.)</string> <!-- Tip to dismiss keyboard --> <string name="tip_dismiss">Press the back key \u21B6 to close the keyboard at any point</string> <!-- Tip to press ?123 to access numbers and symbols --> <string name="tip_access_symbols">Access numbers and symbols</string> <!-- Tip to long press on typed word to add to dictionary --> <string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">Press and hold the left-most word to add it to the dictionary </string> <!-- Instruction to touch the bubble to continue --> <string name="touch_to_continue">Touch this hint to continue »</string> <!-- Instruction to touch the bubble to start typing --> <string name="touch_to_finish">Touch here to close this hint and start typing!</string> <!-- Tutorial tip 1 - The keyboard opens any time you touch a text field --> <string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>The keyboard opens any time you touch a text field</b></string> <!-- Tutorial tip 2 - Touch and hold a key to view accents (examples) --> <string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>Touch & hold a key to view accents\n(ø, ö, ô, ó, and so on)</b> </string> <!-- Tutorial tip 3 - How to switch to number/symbol keyboard --> <string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>Switch to numbers and symbols by touching this key</b></string> <!-- Tutorial tip 4 - How to switch back to alphabet keyboard --> <string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>Go back to letters by touching this key again</b></string> <!-- Tutorial tip 5 - How to launch keyboard settings --> <string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>Touch & hold this key to change keyboard settings, like auto complete</b></string> <!-- Tutorial tip 6 - Done with the tutorial --> <string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>Try it!</b></string> <!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs GO action. Must be short to fit on key! --> <string name="label_go_key">Go</string> <!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs NEXT action. Must be short to fit on key! --> <string name="label_next_key">Next</string> <!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs DONE action. Must be short to fit on key! --> <string name="label_done_key">Done</string> <!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs SEND action. Must be short to fit on key! --> <string name="label_send_key">Send</string> <!-- Label for "switch to symbols" key. Must be short to fit on key! --> <string name="label_symbol_key">\?123</string> <!-- Label for "switch to numeric" key. Must be short to fit on key! --> <string name="label_phone_key">123</string> <!-- Label for "switch to alphabetic" key. Must be short to fit on key! --> <string name="label_alpha_key">ABC</string> <!-- Label for ALT modifier key. Must be short to fit on key! --> <string name="label_alt_key">ALT</string> <!-- Voice related labels --> <!-- Title of the warning dialog that shows when a user initiates voice input for the first time. --> <string name="voice_warning_title">Voice input</string> <!-- Message that gets put at the top of the warning dialog if the user is attempting to use voice input in a currently unsupported locale. Voice input will work for such a user, but it will only recognize them in English. --> <string name="voice_warning_locale_not_supported">Voice input is not currently supported for your language, but does work in English.</string> <!-- Message of the warning dialog that shows when a user initiates voice input for the first time, or turns it on in settings. --> <string name="voice_warning_may_not_understand">Voice input is an experimental feature using Google\'s networked speech recognition.</string> <!-- An additional part of the warning dialog for voice input that only shows when the user actually initiates voice input, rather than just turning it on in settings. --> <string name="voice_warning_how_to_turn_off">To turn off voice input, go to keyboard settings.</string> <!-- Message to show when user clicks the swiping hint (which says "Swipe across keyboard to speak"). Also shown when enabling settings. --> <string name="voice_hint_dialog_message">To use voice input, press the microphone button or slide your finger across the on-screen keyboard.</string> <!-- Short message to tell the user the system is ready for them to speak. --> <string name="voice_listening">Speak now</string> <!-- Short message shown after the user finishes speaking. --> <string name="voice_working">Working</string> <!-- Short message shown before the user should speak. --> <string name="voice_initializing"></string> <!-- Short message shown when a generic error occurs. --> <string name="voice_error">Error. Please try again.</string> <!-- Short message shown for a network error. --> <string name="voice_network_error">Couldn\'t connect</string> <!-- Short message shown for a network error where the utterance was really long, in which case we should suggest that the user speak less. --> <string name="voice_too_much_speech">Error, too much speech.</string> <!-- Short message shown for an audio error. --> <string name="voice_audio_error">Audio problem</string> <!-- Short message shown for an error with the voice server. --> <string name="voice_server_error">Server error</string> <!-- Short message shown when no speech is heard. --> <string name="voice_speech_timeout">No speech heard</string> <!-- Short message shown when the server couldn't parse any speech. --> <string name="voice_no_match">No matches found</string> <!-- Short message shown when the user initiates voice and voice search is not installed. --> <string name="voice_not_installed">Voice search not installed</string> <!-- Short hint shown in candidate view to explain voice input. --> <string name="voice_swipe_hint"><b>Hint:</b> Swipe across keyboard to speak</string> <!-- Short hint shown in candidate view to explain that user can speak punctuation. --> <string name="voice_punctuation_hint"><b>Hint:</b> Next time, try speaking punctuation like \"period\", \"comma\", or \"question mark\".</string> <!-- Label on button to stop recognition. Must be short to fit on button. --> <string name="cancel">Cancel</string> <!-- Label on button when an error occurs --> <string name="ok">OK</string> <!-- Preferences item for enabling speech input --> <string name="voice_input">Voice input</string> <!-- Array of Voice Input modes --> <string-array name="voice_input_modes"> <item>On main keyboard</item> <item>On symbols keyboard</item> <item>Off</item> </string-array> <!-- Don't translate --> <string name="voice_mode_main" translatable="false">0</string> <!-- Don't translate --> <string name="voice_mode_symbols" translatable="false">1</string> <!-- Don't translate --> <string name="voice_mode_off" translatable="false">2</string> <string-array name="voice_input_modes_values" translatable="false"> <item>@string/voice_mode_main</item> <item>@string/voice_mode_symbols</item> <item>@string/voice_mode_off</item> </string-array> <!-- Array of Voice Input modes summary --> <string-array name="voice_input_modes_summary"> <item>Mic on main keyboard</item> <item>Mic on symbols keyboard</item> <item>Voice input is disabled</item> </string-array> <!-- Press the "enter" key after the user speaks. Option on settings.--> <string name="auto_submit">Auto submit after voice</string> <!-- Press the "enter" key after the user speaks. Summary of option in settings.--> <string name="auto_submit_summary">Automatically press enter when searching or going to the next field.</string> <!-- IME Tutorial screen (ROMAN) --><skip /> <!-- appears above image showing the user to click on a TextView to show the IME --> <string name="open_the_keyboard"><font size="17"><b>Open the keyboard\n</b></font><font size="3">\n</font>Touch any text field.</string> <!-- appears above the image showing the back button used to close the keyboard --> <string name="close_the_keyboard"><font size="17"><b>Close the keyboard\n</b></font><font size="3">\n</font>Press the Back key.</string> <!-- appears above image showing how to use touch and hold --> <string name="touch_and_hold"><font size="17"><b>Touch \u0026 hold a key for options\n</b></font><font size="3">\n</font>Access punctuation and accents.</string> <!-- appears above image showing how to access keyboard settings --> <string name="keyboard_settings"><font size="17"><b>Keyboard settings\n</b></font><font size="3">\n</font>Touch \u0026 hold the <b>\?123\</b> key.</string> <!-- popular web domains for the locale - most popular, displayed on the keyboard --> <string name="popular_domain_0">".com"</string> <!-- popular web domains for the locale - item 1, displayed in the popup --> <string name="popular_domain_1">".net"</string> <!-- popular web domains for the locale - item 2, displayed in the popup --> <string name="popular_domain_2">".org"</string> <!-- popular web domains for the locale - item 3, displayed in the popup --> <string name="popular_domain_3">".gov"</string> <!-- popular web domains for the locale - item 4, displayed in the popup --> <string name="popular_domain_4">".edu"</string> <!-- Menu item for launching Input method switcher --> <string name="inputMethod">Input method</string> <!-- Title for input language selection screen --> <string name="language_selection_title">Input languages</string> <!-- Title summary for input language selection screen --> <string name="language_selection_summary">Slide finger on spacebar to change language</string> <!-- Add to dictionary hint --> <string name="hint_add_to_dictionary">\u2190 Tap again to save</string> <!-- Inform the user that a particular language has an available dictionary --> <string name="has_dictionary">Dictionary available</string> <!-- Option to send logs --> <string name="prefs_enable_log">Enable user feedback</string> <!-- Description for sending logs --> <string name="prefs_description_log">Help improve this input method editor by automatically sending usage statistics and crash reports to Google.</string> <string name="keyboard_layout">Keyboard Theme</string> <string name="layout_basic" translatable="false">Basic</string> <string name="layout_high_contrast" translatable="false">Basic (High Contrast)</string> <string name="layout_stone_bold" translatable="false">Default (bold)</string> <string name="layout_stone_normal" translatable="false">Default (normal)</string> <string-array name="keyboard_layout_modes" translatable="false"> <item>@string/layout_basic</item> <item>@string/layout_high_contrast</item> <item>@string/layout_stone_normal</item> <item>@string/layout_stone_bold</item> </string-array> <string-array name="keyboard_layout_modes_values" translatable="false"> <item>0</item> <item>1</item> <item>2</item> <item>3</item> </string-array> <string name="prefs_debug_mode">Debug (Temporary)</string> <string name="subtype_mode_keyboard">keyboard</string> <string name="subtype_mode_voice">voice</string> </resources>