Jean Chalard e0f6cc1814 Make makedict able to write binary format versions 1 and 2
Version 2 provides for a variable-length header region.
The first step is to allow the implementation to simply step
over the header, which will allow us to put any ignored metadata
we want. This change implements the makedict part of this.

Bug: 5686638
Change-Id: I97f1a8a4f84d15e1bedbad74e54303852aef6e0b
2012-03-01 11:05:17 +09:00

312 lines
14 KiB

* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package com.android.inputmethod.latin;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.FileWriter;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
* Main class/method for DictionaryMaker.
public class DictionaryMaker {
static class Arguments {
private final static String OPTION_VERSION_2 = "-2";
private final static String OPTION_INPUT_SOURCE = "-s";
private final static String OPTION_INPUT_BIGRAM_XML = "-b";
private final static String OPTION_INPUT_SHORTCUT_XML = "-c";
private final static String OPTION_OUTPUT_BINARY = "-d";
private final static String OPTION_OUTPUT_BINARY_FORMAT_VERSION_1 = "-d1";
private final static String OPTION_OUTPUT_XML = "-x";
private final static String OPTION_HELP = "-h";
public final String mInputBinary;
public final String mInputUnigramXml;
public final String mInputShortcutXml;
public final String mInputBigramXml;
public final String mOutputBinary;
public final String mOutputBinaryFormat1;
public final String mOutputXml;
private void checkIntegrity() throws IOException {
checkNotSameFile(mInputBinary, mOutputBinary);
checkNotSameFile(mInputBinary, mOutputBinaryFormat1);
checkNotSameFile(mInputBinary, mOutputXml);
checkNotSameFile(mInputUnigramXml, mOutputBinary);
checkNotSameFile(mInputUnigramXml, mOutputBinaryFormat1);
checkNotSameFile(mInputUnigramXml, mOutputXml);
checkNotSameFile(mInputShortcutXml, mOutputBinary);
checkNotSameFile(mInputShortcutXml, mOutputBinaryFormat1);
checkNotSameFile(mInputShortcutXml, mOutputXml);
checkNotSameFile(mInputBigramXml, mOutputBinary);
checkNotSameFile(mInputBigramXml, mOutputBinaryFormat1);
checkNotSameFile(mInputBigramXml, mOutputXml);
checkNotSameFile(mOutputBinary, mOutputBinaryFormat1);
checkNotSameFile(mOutputBinary, mOutputXml);
checkNotSameFile(mOutputBinaryFormat1, mOutputXml);
private void checkHasExactlyOneInput() {
if (null == mInputUnigramXml && null == mInputBinary) {
throw new RuntimeException("No input file specified");
} else if (null != mInputUnigramXml && null != mInputBinary) {
throw new RuntimeException("Both input XML and binary specified");
} else if (null != mInputBinary && null != mInputBigramXml) {
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot specify a binary input and a separate bigram "
+ "file");
private void checkHasAtLeastOneOutput() {
if (null == mOutputBinary && null == mOutputBinaryFormat1 && null == mOutputXml) {
throw new RuntimeException("No output specified");
* Utility method that throws an exception if path1 and path2 point to the same file.
private static void checkNotSameFile(final String path1, final String path2)
throws IOException {
if (null == path1 || null == path2) return;
if (new File(path1).getCanonicalPath().equals(new File(path2).getCanonicalPath())) {
throw new RuntimeException(path1 + " and " + path2 + " are the same file: "
+ " refusing to process.");
private void displayHelp() {
MakedictLog.i("Usage: makedict "
+ "[-s <unigrams.xml> [-b <bigrams.xml>] [-c <shortcuts.xml>] "
+ "| -s <binary input>] [-d <binary output format version 2>] "
+ "[-d1 <binary output format version 1>] [-x <xml output>] [-2]\n"
+ "\n"
+ " Converts a source dictionary file to one or several outputs.\n"
+ " Source can be an XML file, with an optional XML bigrams file, or a\n"
+ " binary dictionary file.\n"
+ " Binary version 1 (Ice Cream Sandwich), 2 (Jelly Bean) and XML outputs\n"
+ " are supported. All three can be output at the same time, but the same\n"
+ " output format cannot be specified several times. The behavior is\n"
+ " unspecified if the same file is specified for input and output, or for\n"
+ " several outputs.");
public Arguments(String[] argsArray) throws IOException {
final LinkedList<String> args = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(argsArray));
if (args.isEmpty()) {
String inputBinary = null;
String inputUnigramXml = null;
String inputShortcutXml = null;
String inputBigramXml = null;
String outputBinary = null;
String outputBinaryFormat1 = null;
String outputXml = null;
while (!args.isEmpty()) {
final String arg = args.get(0);
if (arg.charAt(0) == '-') {
if (OPTION_VERSION_2.equals(arg)) {
// Do nothing, this is the default
} else if (OPTION_HELP.equals(arg)) {
} else {
// All these options need an argument
if (args.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Option " + arg + " is unknown or "
+ "requires an argument");
String filename = args.get(0);
if (OPTION_INPUT_SOURCE.equals(arg)) {
if (BinaryDictInputOutput.isBinaryDictionary(filename)) {
inputBinary = filename;
} else {
inputUnigramXml = filename;
} else if (OPTION_INPUT_SHORTCUT_XML.equals(arg)) {
inputShortcutXml = filename;
} else if (OPTION_INPUT_BIGRAM_XML.equals(arg)) {
inputBigramXml = filename;
} else if (OPTION_OUTPUT_BINARY.equals(arg)) {
outputBinary = filename;
} else if (OPTION_OUTPUT_BINARY_FORMAT_VERSION_1.equals(arg)) {
outputBinaryFormat1 = filename;
} else if (OPTION_OUTPUT_XML.equals(arg)) {
outputXml = filename;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown option : " + arg);
} else {
if (null == inputBinary && null == inputUnigramXml) {
if (BinaryDictInputOutput.isBinaryDictionary(arg)) {
inputBinary = arg;
} else {
inputUnigramXml = arg;
} else if (null == outputBinary) {
outputBinary = arg;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Several output binary files specified");
mInputBinary = inputBinary;
mInputUnigramXml = inputUnigramXml;
mInputShortcutXml = inputShortcutXml;
mInputBigramXml = inputBigramXml;
mOutputBinary = outputBinary;
mOutputBinaryFormat1 = outputBinaryFormat1;
mOutputXml = outputXml;
public static void main(String[] args)
throws FileNotFoundException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, IOException,
UnsupportedFormatException {
final Arguments parsedArgs = new Arguments(args);
FusionDictionary dictionary = readInputFromParsedArgs(parsedArgs);
writeOutputToParsedArgs(parsedArgs, dictionary);
* Invoke the right input method according to args.
* @param args the parsed command line arguments.
* @return the read dictionary.
private static FusionDictionary readInputFromParsedArgs(final Arguments args)
throws IOException, UnsupportedFormatException, ParserConfigurationException,
SAXException, FileNotFoundException {
if (null != args.mInputBinary) {
return readBinaryFile(args.mInputBinary);
} else if (null != args.mInputUnigramXml) {
return readXmlFile(args.mInputUnigramXml, args.mInputShortcutXml, args.mInputBigramXml);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("No input file specified");
* Read a dictionary from the name of a binary file.
* @param binaryFilename the name of the file in the binary dictionary format.
* @return the read dictionary.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the file can't be found
* @throws IOException if the input file can't be read
* @throws UnsupportedFormatException if the binary file is not in the expected format
private static FusionDictionary readBinaryFile(final String binaryFilename)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, UnsupportedFormatException {
final RandomAccessFile inputFile = new RandomAccessFile(binaryFilename, "r");
return BinaryDictInputOutput.readDictionaryBinary(inputFile, null);
* Read a dictionary from a unigram XML file, and optionally a bigram XML file.
* @param unigramXmlFilename the name of the unigram XML file. May not be null.
* @param shortcutXmlFilename the name of the shortcut XML file, or null if there is none.
* @param bigramXmlFilename the name of the bigram XML file. Pass null if there are no bigrams.
* @return the read dictionary.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if one of the files can't be found
* @throws SAXException if one or more of the XML files is not well-formed
* @throws IOException if one the input files can't be read
* @throws ParserConfigurationException if the system can't create a SAX parser
private static FusionDictionary readXmlFile(final String unigramXmlFilename,
final String shortcutXmlFilename, final String bigramXmlFilename)
throws FileNotFoundException, SAXException, IOException, ParserConfigurationException {
final FileInputStream unigrams = new FileInputStream(new File(unigramXmlFilename));
final FileInputStream shortcuts = null == shortcutXmlFilename ? null :
new FileInputStream(new File(shortcutXmlFilename));
final FileInputStream bigrams = null == bigramXmlFilename ? null :
new FileInputStream(new File(bigramXmlFilename));
return XmlDictInputOutput.readDictionaryXml(unigrams, shortcuts, bigrams);
* Invoke the right output method according to args.
* This will write the passed dictionary to the file(s) passed in the command line arguments.
* @param args the parsed arguments.
* @param dict the file to output.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if one of the output files can't be created.
* @throws IOException if one of the output files can't be written to.
private static void writeOutputToParsedArgs(final Arguments args, final FusionDictionary dict)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, UnsupportedFormatException,
IllegalArgumentException {
if (null != args.mOutputBinary) {
writeBinaryDictionary(args.mOutputBinary, dict, 2);
if (null != args.mOutputBinaryFormat1) {
writeBinaryDictionary(args.mOutputBinaryFormat1, dict, 1);
if (null != args.mOutputXml) {
writeXmlDictionary(args.mOutputXml, dict);
* Write the dictionary in binary format to the specified filename.
* @param outputFilename the name of the file to write to.
* @param dict the dictionary to write.
* @param version the binary format version to use.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the output file can't be created.
* @throws IOException if the output file can't be written to.
private static void writeBinaryDictionary(final String outputFilename,
final FusionDictionary dict, final int version)
throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, UnsupportedFormatException {
final File outputFile = new File(outputFilename);
BinaryDictInputOutput.writeDictionaryBinary(new FileOutputStream(outputFilename), dict,
* Write the dictionary in XML format to the specified filename.
* @param outputFilename the name of the file to write to.
* @param dict the dictionary to write.
* @throws FileNotFoundException if the output file can't be created.
* @throws IOException if the output file can't be written to.
private static void writeXmlDictionary(final String outputFilename,
final FusionDictionary dict) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException {
XmlDictInputOutput.writeDictionaryXml(new FileWriter(outputFilename), dict);