Keisuke Kuroyanagi 15b1a0fd14 Parameter optimization.
[Category diff]
+1     194
-1      21
+2      15
-2       1
+3       1
-3      15
+4     152
-4      90
+5     108
-5     197
+6      94
-6     136
+7      28
-7     132

[Weighted category diff]
+1     230
-1      23
+2      15
-2       1
+3       1
-3      15
+4     180
-4     106
+5     122
-5     224
+6     107
-6     158
+7      29
-7     157

show diff for ./en_user_log_phones_2011_08.csv
+1     171
-1       9
+2       7
-2       1
+3       1
-3       7
+4     123
-4      76
+5      84
-5     157
+6      66
-6     119
+7      20
-7     103

---- count ----
Count(1):75.64%, 177913
Count(2):1.06%, 2510
Count(3):0.56%, 1319
Count(4):6.63%, 15612
Count(5):9.87%, 23223
Count(6):2.79%, 6580
Count(7):3.41%, 8038
---- weight ----
Weight(1):96.88%, 2009907
Weight(2):0.24%, 5157
Weight(3):0.09%, 2025
Weight(4):0.77%, 16095
Weight(5):1.11%, 23077
Weight(6):0.39%, 8172
Weight(7):0.48%, 10146
---- score ----
Conservative score = 66.406
Normal score = 81.512
Agressive score = 89.064
Insane score = 92.841

---- count ----
Count(1):75.71%, 178087
Count(2):1.07%, 2524
Count(3):0.55%, 1305
Count(4):6.66%, 15677
Count(5):9.83%, 23133
Count(6):2.78%, 6539
Count(7):3.37%, 7930
---- weight ----
Weight(1):96.89%, 2010118
Weight(2):0.24%, 5171
Weight(3):0.09%, 2011
Weight(4):0.78%, 16184
Weight(5):1.1%, 22972
Weight(6):0.39%, 8109
Weight(7):0.48%, 10014
---- score ----
Conservative score = 66.431
Normal score = 81.531
Agressive score = 89.08
Insane score = 92.855

No diffs for 10+ freq user log.

Change-Id: Ica4a7604507a2c91aaa7daf5bacf4fce4039f547
2013-10-07 12:39:51 +09:00
suggest Parameter optimization. 2013-10-07 12:39:51 +09:00
utils Implement the heuristic for auto-commit. 2013-10-01 21:00:40 +09:00
defines.h Implement the heuristic for auto-commit. 2013-10-01 21:00:40 +09:00