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synced 2024-09-28 14:54:30 +01:00
This change removes everything related to the quick fixes Latin IME option item. Note that Autotext is still used if the current subtype language is the same as the system language. Bug: 4985058 Change-Id: I51728a2190543ffb9e004470674ef6257b14f6c2
337 lines
20 KiB
337 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Title for Latin keyboard -->
<string name="english_ime_name">Android keyboard</string>
<!-- Title for Latin keyboard settings activity / dialog -->
<string name="english_ime_settings">Android keyboard settings</string>
<!-- Title for Latin keyboard input options dialog [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<string name="english_ime_input_options">Input options</string>
<!-- Title for Latin Keyboard spell checker service -->
<string name="spell_checker_service_name">Android correction</string>
<!-- Option to provide vibrate/haptic feedback on keypress -->
<string name="vibrate_on_keypress">Vibrate on keypress</string>
<!-- Option to play back sound on keypress in soft keyboard -->
<string name="sound_on_keypress">Sound on keypress</string>
<!-- Option to control whether or not to show a popup with a larger font on each key press. -->
<string name="popup_on_keypress">Popup on keypress</string>
<!-- Category title for general settings for Android keyboard -->
<string name="general_category">General</string>
<!-- Category title for text prediction -->
<string name="correction_category">Text correction</string>
<!-- Category title for ngrams -->
<string name="ngram_category">Suggestions based on previous words</string>
<!-- Category title for misc options -->
<string name="misc_category">Other options</string>
<!-- Option name for advanced settings screen [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<string name="advanced_settings">Advanced settings</string>
<!-- Option summary for advanced settings screen [CHAR LIMIT=65 (two lines) or 30 (fits on one line, preferable)] -->
<string name="advanced_settings_summary">Options for expert users</string>
<!-- Option for the dismiss delay of the key popup [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<string name="key_preview_popup_dismiss_delay">Key popup dismiss delay</string>
<!-- Description for delay for dismissing a popup on keypress: no delay [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="key_preview_popup_dismiss_no_delay">No delay</string>
<!-- Description for delay for dismissing a popup on screen: default value of the delay [CHAR LIMIT=15] -->
<string name="key_preview_popup_dismiss_default_delay">Default</string>
<!-- Option name for enabling or disabling the use of names of people in Contacts for suggestion and correction [CHAR LIMIT=25] -->
<string name="use_contacts_dict">Suggest Contact names</string>
<!-- Description for option enabling or disabling the use of names of people in Contacts for suggestion and correction [CHAR LIMIT=65] -->
<string name="use_contacts_dict_summary">Use names from Contacts for suggestions and corrections</string>
<!-- Option to enable auto capitalization of sentences -->
<string name="auto_cap">Auto-capitalization</string>
<!-- Option to configure dictionaries -->
<string name="configure_dictionaries_title">Configure dictionaries</string>
<!-- Option to enable showing suggestions -->
<string name="prefs_show_suggestions">Show correction suggestions</string>
<!-- Description for show suggestions -->
<string name="prefs_show_suggestions_summary">Display suggested words while typing</string>
<string name="prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_name">Always show</string>
<string name="prefs_suggestion_visibility_show_only_portrait_name">Show on portrait mode</string>
<string name="prefs_suggestion_visibility_hide_name">Always hide</string>
<!-- Option to show/hide the settings key -->
<string name="prefs_settings_key">Show settings key</string>
<!-- Option to automatically decide to show/hide the settings key -->
<string name="settings_key_mode_auto_name">Automatic</string>
<!-- Option to always show the settings key -->
<string name="settings_key_mode_always_show_name">Always show</string>
<!-- Option to always hide the settings key -->
<string name="settings_key_mode_always_hide_name">Always hide</string>
<!-- Option to decide the auto correction threshold score -->
<!-- Option to enable auto correction [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
<string name="auto_correction">Auto correction</string>
<!-- Description for auto correction [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string name="auto_correction_summary">Spacebar and punctuation automatically correct mistyped words</string>
<!-- Option to disable auto correction. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="auto_correction_threshold_mode_off">Off</string>
<!-- Option to suggest auto correction candidates modestly. Auto-corrects only to a word which has small edit distance from typed word. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="auto_correction_threshold_mode_modest">Modest</string>
<!-- Option to suggest auto correction candidates aggressively. Auto-corrects to a word which has even large edit distance from typed word. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="auto_correction_threshold_mode_aggeressive">Aggressive</string>
<!-- Option to suggest auto correction candidates very aggressively. Auto-corrects to a word which has even large edit distance from typed word. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="auto_correction_threshold_mode_very_aggeressive">Very aggressive</string>
<!-- Option to enable bigram correction -->
<string name="bigram_suggestion">Bigram suggestions</string>
<!-- Description for auto correction -->
<string name="bigram_suggestion_summary">Use previous word to improve suggestion</string>
<!-- Option to enable using user-history bigram when no input -->
<string name="bigram_prediction">Bigram prediction</string>
<!-- Description for auto correction -->
<string name="bigram_prediction_summary">Use previous word also for prediction</string>
<!-- Indicates that a word has been added to the dictionary -->
<string name="added_word"><xliff:g id="word">%s</xliff:g> : Saved</string>
<!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs GO action. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_go_key">Go</string>
<!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs NEXT action. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_next_key">Next</string>
<!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs DONE action. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_done_key">Done</string>
<!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs SEND action. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_send_key">Send</string>
<!-- Label for "switch to alphabetic" key. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_to_alpha_key">ABC</string>
<!-- Label for Shift modifier key of symbol keyboard. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_more_key">More</string>
<!-- Label for "Pause" key of phone number keyboard. Must be short to fit on key! [CHAR LIMIT=5] -->
<string name="label_pause_key">Pause</string>
<!-- Label for "Wait" key of phone number keyboard. Must be short to fit on key! [CHAR LIMIT=5]-->
<string name="label_wait_key">Wait</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the currently entered text -->
<string name="spoken_current_text_is">Current text is "%s"</string>
<!-- Spoken description when there is no text entered -->
<string name="spoken_no_text_entered">No text entered</string>
<!-- Spoken description for unknown keyboard keys. -->
<string name="spoken_description_unknown">Key code %d</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "Shift" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_shift">Shift</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "Shift" keyboard key's pressed state. -->
<string name="spoken_description_shift_shifted">Shift enabled</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "Shift" keyboard key's pressed state. -->
<string name="spoken_description_caps_lock">Caps lock enabled</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "Delete" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_delete">Delete</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "To Symbol" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_to_symbol">Symbols</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "To Alpha" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_to_alpha">Letters</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "To Numbers" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_to_numeric">Numbers</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "Settings" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_settings">Settings</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "Tab" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_tab">Tab</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "Space" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_space">Space</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "Mic" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_mic">Voice input</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "Smiley" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_smiley">Smiley face</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "Return" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_return">Return</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "," keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_comma">Comma</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "." keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_period">Period</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "(" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_left_parenthesis">Left parenthesis</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the ")" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_right_parenthesis">Right parenthesis</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the ":" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_colon">Colon</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the ";" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_semicolon">Semicolon</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "!" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_exclamation_mark">Exclamation mark</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "?" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_question_mark">Question mark</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the """ keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_double_quote">Double quote</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "'" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_single_quote">Single quote</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "\u2022" (BULLET) keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_dot">Dot</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "\u221a" (SQUARE ROOT) keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_square_root">Square root</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "\u03C0" (GREEK SMALL LETTER PI) keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_pi">Pi</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "\u0394" (GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA) keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_delta">Delta</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "\u2122" (TRADE MARK SIGN) keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_trademark">Trademark</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "\u2105" (CARE OF) keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_care_of">Care of</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "*" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_star">Star</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "#" keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_pound">Pound</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "\u2026" (HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS) keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_ellipsis">Ellipsis</string>
<!-- Spoken description for the "\u201E" (DOUBLE LOW-9 QUOTATION MARK) keyboard key. -->
<string name="spoken_description_low_double_quote">Low double quote</string>
<!-- Voice related labels -->
<!-- Title of the warning dialog that shows when a user initiates voice input for
the first time. -->
<string name="voice_warning_title">Voice input</string>
<!-- Message that gets put at the top of the warning dialog if the user is attempting to use
voice input in a currently unsupported locale. Voice input will work for such a user,
but it will only recognize them in English. -->
<string name="voice_warning_locale_not_supported">Voice input is not currently supported for your language, but does work in English.</string>
<!-- Message of the warning dialog that shows when a user initiates voice input for
the first time, or turns it on in settings. [CHAR LIMIT=200] -->
<string name="voice_warning_may_not_understand">Voice input uses Google\'s speech recognition. <a href="http://m.google.com/privacy">The Mobile Privacy Policy</a> applies.</string>
<!-- An additional part of the warning dialog for voice input that only shows when the user
actually initiates voice input, rather than just turning it on in settings. [CHAR LIMIT=200] -->
<string name="voice_warning_how_to_turn_off">To turn off voice input, go to input method settings.</string>
<!-- Message to show when user enables the voice input settings (which says
"Press the microphone button"). [CHAR LIMIT=100] -->
<string name="voice_hint_dialog_message">To use voice input, press the microphone button.</string>
<!-- Short message to tell the user the system is ready for them to speak. -->
<string name="voice_listening">Speak now</string>
<!-- Short message shown after the user finishes speaking. -->
<string name="voice_working">Working</string>
<!-- Short message shown before the user should speak. -->
<string name="voice_initializing"></string>
<!-- Short message shown when a generic error occurs. -->
<string name="voice_error">Error. Please try again.</string>
<!-- Short message shown for a network error. -->
<string name="voice_network_error">Couldn\'t connect</string>
<!-- Short message shown for a network error where the utterance was really long,
in which case we should suggest that the user speak less. -->
<string name="voice_too_much_speech">Error, too much speech.</string>
<!-- Short message shown for an audio error. -->
<string name="voice_audio_error">Audio problem</string>
<!-- Short message shown for an error with the voice server. -->
<string name="voice_server_error">Server error</string>
<!-- Short message shown when no speech is heard. -->
<string name="voice_speech_timeout">No speech heard</string>
<!-- Short message shown when the server couldn't parse any speech. -->
<string name="voice_no_match">No matches found</string>
<!-- Short message shown when the user initiates voice and voice search is not installed. -->
<string name="voice_not_installed">Voice search not installed</string>
<!-- Short hint shown in candidate view to explain voice input. -->
<string name="voice_swipe_hint"><b>Hint:</b> Swipe across keyboard to speak</string>
<!-- Short hint shown in candidate view to explain that user can speak punctuation. -->
<string name="voice_punctuation_hint"><b>Hint:</b> Next time, try speaking punctuation like \"period\", \"comma\", or \"question mark\".</string>
<!-- Label on button to stop recognition. Must be short to fit on button. -->
<string name="cancel">Cancel</string>
<!-- Label on button when an error occurs -->
<string name="ok">OK</string>
<!-- Preferences item for enabling speech input -->
<string name="voice_input">Voice input</string>
<!-- Voice Input modes -->
<!-- On settings screen, voice input pop-up menu option to show voice key on main keyboard [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="voice_input_modes_main_keyboard">On main keyboard</string>
<!-- On settings screen, voice input pop-up menu option to show voice key on symbols keyboard [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="voice_input_modes_symbols_keyboard">On symbols keyboard</string>
<!-- On settings screen, voice input pop-up menu option to never show voice key [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="voice_input_modes_off">Off</string>
<!-- Voice Input modes summary -->
<!-- On settings screen, voice input pop-up menu summary text to show voice key on main keyboard [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="voice_input_modes_summary_main_keyboard">Mic on main keyboard</string>
<!-- On settings screen, voice input pop-up menu summary text to show voice key on symbols keyboard [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="voice_input_modes_summary_symbols_keyboard">Mic on symbols keyboard</string>
<!-- On settings screen, voice input pop-up menu summary text to never show voice key [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="voice_input_modes_summary_off">Voice input is disabled</string>
<!-- Title of the dialog for selecting input methods. [CHAR LIMIT=20] -->
<string name="selectInputMethod">Select input method</string>
<!-- Title for configuring input method settings [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string name="configure_input_method">Configure input methods</string>
<!-- Title for input language selection screen -->
<string name="language_selection_title">Input languages</string>
<!-- Preference for input language selection -->
<string name="select_language">Select input languages</string>
<!-- Add to dictionary hint -->
<string name="hint_add_to_dictionary">\u2190 Touch again to save</string>
<!-- Inform the user that a particular language has an available dictionary -->
<string name="has_dictionary">Dictionary available</string>
<!-- Preferences item for enabling to send user statistics to Google -->
<string name="prefs_enable_log">Enable user feedback</string>
<!-- Description for enabling to send user statistics to Google -->
<string name="prefs_description_log">Help improve this input method editor by automatically sending usage statistics and crash reports to Google.</string>
<!-- Preferences item for enabling to correct suggestions by touching words you have typed [CHAR LIMIT= 35] -->
<string name="prefs_enable_recorrection">Touch to correct words</string>
<!-- The summary for the preferences item for enabling to correct suggestions by touching words you have typed [CHAR LIMIT= 100] -->
<string name="prefs_enable_recorrection_summary">Touch entered words to correct them, only when suggestions are visible</string>
<!-- Title of the item to change the keyboard theme [CHAR LIMIT=20]-->
<string name="keyboard_layout">Keyboard theme</string>
<!-- Description for German QWERTY keyboard subtype [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string name="subtype_de_qwerty">German QWERTY</string>
<!-- Description for English (United Kingdom) keyboard subtype [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string name="subtype_en_GB">English (UK)</string>
<!-- Description for English (United States) keyboard subtype [CHAR LIMIT=35] -->
<string name="subtype_en_US">English (US)</string>
<!-- Title of an option for usability study mode -->
<string name="prefs_usability_study_mode">Usability study mode</string>