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synced 2024-09-28 14:54:30 +01:00
Microphone button can be optionally moved to the symbols keyboard to get your comma back. You can also completely disable voice input. Now you can get your comma back but still use the swipe gesture to activate voice input.
297 lines
15 KiB
297 lines
15 KiB
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
** Copyright 2008, The Android Open Source Project
** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
** You may obtain a copy of the License at
** http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
** limitations under the License.
<resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
<!-- Title for Latin keyboard -->
<string name="english_ime_name">Android keyboard</string>
<!-- Title for Latin keyboard settings activity / dialog -->
<string name="english_ime_settings">Android keyboard settings</string>
<!-- Option to provide vibrate/haptic feedback on keypress -->
<string name="vibrate_on_keypress">Vibrate on keypress</string>
<!-- Option to play back sound on keypress in soft keyboard -->
<string name="sound_on_keypress">Sound on keypress</string>
<!-- Option to enable using nearby keys when correcting/predicting -->
<string name="hit_correction">Correct typing errors</string>
<!-- Description for hit_correction -->
<string name="hit_correction_summary">Enable input error correction</string>
<!-- Option to enable using nearby keys when correcting/predicting in landscape-->
<string name="hit_correction_land">Landscape input errors</string>
<!-- Description for hit_correction in landscape -->
<string name="hit_correction_land_summary">Enable input error correction</string>
<!-- Option to automatically correct word on hitting space -->
<string name="auto_correction">Word suggestions</string>
<!-- Description for auto_correction -->
<string name="auto_correction_summary">Automatically correct the previous word</string>
<!-- Option to enable text prediction -->
<string name="prediction">Word suggestions</string>
<!-- Category title for text prediction -->
<string name="prediction_category">Word suggestion settings</string>
<!-- Description for text prediction -->
<string name="prediction_summary">Enable auto completion while typing</string>
<!-- Dialog title for auto complete choices -->
<string name="auto_complete_dialog_title">Auto completion</string>
<!-- Option to enable text prediction in landscape -->
<string name="prediction_landscape">Increase text field size</string>
<!-- Description for text prediction -->
<string name="prediction_landscape_summary">Hide word suggestions in landscape view</string>
<!-- Option to enable auto capitalization of sentences -->
<string name="auto_cap">Auto-capitalization</string>
<!-- Description for auto cap -->
<string name="auto_cap_summary">Capitalize the start of a sentence</string>
<!-- Option to enable auto punctuate -->
<string name="auto_punctuate">Auto-punctuate</string>
<!-- Description for auto punctuate -->
<string name="auto_punctuate_summary"></string>
<!-- Option to enable quick fixes -->
<string name="quick_fixes">Quick fixes</string>
<!-- Description for quick fixes -->
<string name="quick_fixes_summary">Corrects commonly typed mistakes</string>
<!-- Option to enable showing suggestions -->
<string name="show_suggestions">Show suggestions</string>
<!-- Description for show suggestions -->
<string name="show_suggestions_summary">Display suggested words while typing</string>
<!-- Option to enable auto completion -->
<string name="auto_complete">Auto-complete</string>
<!-- Description for auto completion -->
<string name="auto_complete_summary">Spacebar and punctuation automatically insert highlighted word</string>
<!-- Array of prediction modes -->
<string-array name="prediction_modes">
<!-- Don't translate -->
<string name="prediction_none" translatable="false">0</string>
<!-- Don't translate -->
<string name="prediction_basic" translatable="false">1</string>
<!-- Don't translate -->
<string name="prediction_full" translatable="false">2</string>
<string-array name="prediction_modes_values" translatable="false">
<!-- Indicates that a word has been added to the dictionary -->
<string name="added_word"><xliff:g id="word">%s</xliff:g> : Saved</string>
<!-- Accented forms of "a" -->
<string name="alternates_for_a">àáâãäåæ</string>
<!-- Accented forms of "e" -->
<string name="alternates_for_e">èéêë</string>
<!-- Accented forms of "i" -->
<string name="alternates_for_i">ìíîï</string>
<!-- Accented forms of "o" -->
<string name="alternates_for_o">òóôõöœø</string>
<!-- Accented forms of "u" -->
<string name="alternates_for_u">ùúûü</string>
<!-- Letters associated with "s" -->
<string name="alternates_for_s">§ß</string>
<!-- Accented forms of "n" -->
<string name="alternates_for_n">ñ</string>
<!-- Accented forms of "c" -->
<string name="alternates_for_c">ç</string>
<!-- Accented forms of "y" -->
<string name="alternates_for_y">ýÿ</string>
<!-- Tip to long press on keys -->
<string name="tip_long_press">Hold a key down to see accents (ø, ö, etc.)</string>
<!-- Tip to dismiss keyboard -->
<string name="tip_dismiss">Press the back key \u21B6 to close the keyboard at any point</string>
<!-- Tip to press ?123 to access numbers and symbols -->
<string name="tip_access_symbols">Access numbers and symbols</string>
<!-- Tip to long press on typed word to add to dictionary -->
<string name="tip_add_to_dictionary">Press and hold the left-most word to add it to the dictionary
<!-- Instruction to touch the bubble to continue -->
<string name="touch_to_continue">Touch this hint to continue »</string>
<!-- Instruction to touch the bubble to start typing -->
<string name="touch_to_finish">Touch here to close this hint and start typing!</string>
<!-- Tutorial tip 1 - The keyboard opens any time you touch a text field -->
<string name="tip_to_open_keyboard"><b>The keyboard opens any time you touch a text field</b></string>
<!-- Tutorial tip 2 - Touch and hold a key to view accents (examples) -->
<string name="tip_to_view_accents"><b>Touch & hold a key to view accents\n(ø, ö, ô, ó, and so on)</b>
<!-- Tutorial tip 3 - How to switch to number/symbol keyboard -->
<string name="tip_to_open_symbols"><b>Switch to numbers and symbols by touching this key</b></string>
<!-- Tutorial tip 4 - How to switch back to alphabet keyboard -->
<string name="tip_to_close_symbols"><b>Go back to letters by touching this key again</b></string>
<!-- Tutorial tip 5 - How to launch keyboard settings -->
<string name="tip_to_launch_settings"><b>Touch & hold this key to change keyboard settings, like auto complete</b></string>
<!-- Tutorial tip 6 - Done with the tutorial -->
<string name="tip_to_start_typing"><b>Try it!</b></string>
<!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs GO action. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_go_key">Go</string>
<!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs NEXT action. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_next_key">Next</string>
<!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs DONE action. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_done_key">Done</string>
<!-- Label for soft enter key when it performs SEND action. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_send_key">Send</string>
<!-- Label for "switch to symbols" key. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_symbol_key">\?123</string>
<!-- Label for "switch to numeric" key. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_phone_key">123</string>
<!-- Label for "switch to alphabetic" key. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_alpha_key">ABC</string>
<!-- Label for ALT modifier key. Must be short to fit on key! -->
<string name="label_alt_key">ALT</string>
<!-- Voice related labels -->
<!-- Title of the warning dialog that shows when a user initiates voice input for
the first time. -->
<string name="voice_warning_title">Voice input</string>
<!-- Message that gets put at the top of the warning dialog if the user is attempting to use
voice input in a currently unsupported locale. Voice input will work for such a user,
but it will only recognize them in English. -->
<string name="voice_warning_locale_not_supported">Voice input is not currently supported for your language, but does work in English.</string>
<!-- Message of the warning dialog that shows when a user initiates voice input for
the first time, or turns it on in settings. -->
<string name="voice_warning_may_not_understand">Voice input is an experimental feature using Google\'s networked speech recognition.</string>
<!-- An additional part of the warning dialog for voice input that only shows when the user
actually initiates voice input, rather than just turning it on in settings. -->
<string name="voice_warning_how_to_turn_off">To turn off voice input, go to keyboard settings.</string>
<!-- Message to show when user clicks the swiping hint (which says
"Swipe across keyboard to speak"). Also shown when enabling settings. -->
<string name="voice_hint_dialog_message">To use voice input, press the microphone button or slide your finger across the on-screen keyboard.</string>
<!-- Short message to tell the user the system is ready for them to speak. -->
<string name="voice_listening">Speak now</string>
<!-- Short message shown after the user finishes speaking. -->
<string name="voice_working">Working</string>
<!-- Short message shown before the user should speak. -->
<string name="voice_initializing"></string>
<!-- Short message shown when a generic error occurs. -->
<string name="voice_error">Error. Please try again.</string>
<!-- Short message shown for a network error. -->
<string name="voice_network_error">Couldn\'t connect</string>
<!-- Short message shown for a network error where the utterance was really long,
in which case we should suggest that the user speak less. -->
<string name="voice_too_much_speech">Error, too much speech.</string>
<!-- Short message shown for an audio error. -->
<string name="voice_audio_error">Audio problem</string>
<!-- Short message shown for an error with the voice server. -->
<string name="voice_server_error">Server error</string>
<!-- Short message shown when no speech is heard. -->
<string name="voice_speech_timeout">No speech heard</string>
<!-- Short message shown when the server couldn't parse any speech. -->
<string name="voice_no_match">No matches found</string>
<!-- Short message shown when the user initiates voice and voice
search is not installed. -->
<string name="voice_not_installed">Voice search not installed</string>
<!-- Short hint shown in candidate view to explain voice input. -->
<string name="voice_swipe_hint"><b>Hint:</b> Swipe across keyboard to speak</string>
<!-- Short hint shown in candidate view to explain that user can speak punctuation. -->
<string name="voice_punctuation_hint"><b>Hint:</b> Next time, try speaking punctuation like \"period\", \"comma\", or \"question mark\".</string>
<!-- Label on button to stop recognition. Must be short to fit on button. -->
<string name="cancel">Cancel</string>
<!-- Label on button when an error occurs -->
<string name="ok">OK</string>
<!-- Preferences item for enabling speech input -->
<string name="enable_voice">Voice input</string>
<!-- Preferences item for speech icon on primary keyboard -->
<string name="voice_on_primary">Mic on primary</string>
<!-- Preferences item summary for speech icon on primary keyboard -->
<string name="voice_on_primary_summary">Show the microphone on the primary keyboard</string>
<!-- Press the "enter" key after the user speaks. Option on settings.-->
<string name="auto_submit">Auto submit after voice</string>
<!-- Press the "enter" key after the user speaks. Summary of option in settings.-->
<string name="auto_submit_summary">Automatically press enter when searching or going to the next field.</string>
<!-- IME Tutorial screen (ROMAN) --><skip />
<!-- appears above image showing the user to click on a TextView to show the IME -->
<string name="open_the_keyboard"><font size="17"><b>Open the keyboard\n</b></font><font size="3">\n</font>Touch any text field.</string>
<!-- appears above the image showing the back button used to close the keyboard -->
<string name="close_the_keyboard"><font size="17"><b>Close the keyboard\n</b></font><font size="3">\n</font>Press the Back key.</string>
<!-- appears above image showing how to use touch and hold -->
<string name="touch_and_hold"><font size="17"><b>Touch \u0026 hold a key for options\n</b></font><font size="3">\n</font>Access punctuation and accents.</string>
<!-- appears above image showing how to access keyboard settings -->
<string name="keyboard_settings"><font size="17"><b>Keyboard settings\n</b></font><font size="3">\n</font>Touch \u0026 hold the <b>\?123\</b> key.</string>
<!-- popular web domains for the locale - most popular, displayed on the keyboard -->
<string name="popular_domain_0">".com"</string>
<!-- popular web domains for the locale - item 1, displayed in the popup -->
<string name="popular_domain_1">".net"</string>
<!-- popular web domains for the locale - item 2, displayed in the popup -->
<string name="popular_domain_2">".org"</string>
<!-- popular web domains for the locale - item 3, displayed in the popup -->
<string name="popular_domain_3">".gov"</string>
<!-- popular web domains for the locale - item 4, displayed in the popup -->
<string name="popular_domain_4">".edu"</string>
<!-- Menu item for launching Input method switcher -->
<string name="inputMethod">Input method</string>
<!-- Title for input language selection screen -->
<string name="language_selection_title">Select input languages</string>