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A PowerShell interface for Graylog

Getting Started

  1. First, download the module to your PSModulePath. You should probably verify random scripts before downloading on the internet, so maybe check out the Install.ps1 file before running it? c:
     $URI = ""
     $URI | Invoke-RestMethod | Invoke-Expression
  2. Next, import the module into your environment. You should be prompted to set up your Graylog host, and your credentials. (Note that you can always re-run this with Initialize-GraylogServiceVault later if you wish)
     Import-Module PSGraylog
  3. Then, connect to Graylog.
  4. Finally, run a query (the default for the -LogName parameter is 'Windows Security', which is (in my environment, anyways) Active Directory logs):
     $Query = "EventID:4740 && TargetUsername:ab123456" 
     Search-Graylog $Query
  5. If you want to re-use the data, you can use the -AsJob parameter to return a GraylogSearchJob object. This object contains various identifers used to locate the search query, and is much quicker then re-running the entire query from scratch with new identifiers.
    Job = Search-Graylog $Query -AsJob
    Job | Receive-GraylogSearchJob